Make effect slots available although being used with morphing

  • I would like to separately use effects assigned to morphing.

    Eg. when specific parameters like Delay, Reverb and Gain are attached to morphing it still should be possible to activate and use eg. Delay separately from the morph-feature.

    Currently it can’t be used separately due to the circumstance that effects being morphed have to be already activated in a rig.

    My feature request aims to the point that I still can morph with the assigned effects but also use these effects individually per rig.

    Thnx in advance.

  • Morphing continuous parameters within effects via Morph Pedal or Rig Buttons is logically completely independent from switching the effects on/off via the Effect Buttons. In any position of the Morph controller (heel, toe or in between) you can switch on/off any effect module. And regardless of it's on/off state you can morph the continmuous paramaters within an effect module at any time.

    As I understand your need, it's too seperate for you. You don't like the fact, that while Mix of an effect is morphed to 0% you can switch on the effect, but still don't hear it as the effect module is now on with 0% Mix.

    Or did I misunderstand?

  • Thanks for the reply.

    It took a while until I realized the „greatness“ of morphing. In the past I only used effects separately which is great though.

    I personally do not use different amps or dozens of performances. I have one performance that fits all needs.
    But: Now as I have assigned many effect slots to morphing I cannot use them with my remote anymore. But there are times when I need a certain eg. modulation or delay effect I already assigned for an intro or outro by morphing and setting up another similar performance without morphing is not made for me.

    So I would be happy if I still could use that modulation or delay effect by pressing one of the effect switches of the remote.

    Currently I can only deactivate or activate that effect with this switch which leads to the result that morphing can take place with one effect less (eg. increase in reverb and volume, decrease of gain, no effect of the modulation or delay as being already switched off).

    In the future it should be possible to activate effects assigned to morphing individually.
    For example this could be done by toggling between the mix parameters set forth in morphing (eg. 0% at base state and 75% mix at morphed state). So if an effect is assigned to morphing the effect button assigned to a certain effect should not activate or deactivate an effect rather toggle between the mix parameters.

    A further improvement could be that it is possible to activate such effects individually in the base state as well as the morphed state. So one could use two different states of a dedicated effect (different feedback, different modulation).

    I personally use the tab switch for morphing. Maybe this switch (or the tuner or looper switch) could also be used to alternate between the morph option and the effect option.
    if morph option is chosen (in my case) the tab led should be inactive and if the effect option is chosen the tab led should be active.

    This could make way to more effect presets in a single rig and therefore enhances the morphing flexibility.

    would be happy if you would think about it and take it to another level as you have with imprints and other great stuff.

  • .....

    In the future it should be possible to activate effects assigned to morphing individually.


    A further improvement could be that it is possible to activate such effects individually in the base state as well as the morphed state. So one could use two different states of a dedicated effect (different feedback, different modulation).


    I still find your issue statements confusing. Examples above. In fact it is possible to activate and deactivate effects assigned to morphing individually. Activation/deactivation of effect modules via Effect Buttons is completely independent of the state of Morphing parameters. You can activate any effect module regardless if parameters of that effect are in base state, morph state or anywhere in between. Morphing and on/off switching are 100% independent - couldn't be more independent.

    What you seem to be looking for is not independency, but logical dependencies. You want, that for example switching on an effect module at the same time overwrites parameter settings like Mix at 0% with Mix at y% - so eventually overwrite, what your morphing triggered before.

    I think, the root cause of your issues is, that you are trying to stuff all possible effect scenarios required for all your musical scenes into one single Performance. Consequently you are running out of switches to trigger all your intended effect scenes and are therefor also using morphing for that purpose (activation/deactivation via Mix). The PROFILER offers 125 Performances for that purpose. There is no need to limit yourself to 1. Spreading your musical scenes across various Performances will drastically simplify your button control because you are loading complete Rigs for specific musical scenes. Effect Buttons assignments are by Rig. So now you can customize your Effect Button assignments to specific scenes. And you can dedicated Morphing to what it is primary designed for: shifting parameters between values x and y, not just substitute on/off switching via Mix.

    Don't get me wrong. You are free to use just one Performance if all your required musical sound scenes fit in. But if not, use more Performances.

  • Morphing continuous parameters within effects via Morph Pedal or Rig Buttons is logically completely independent from switching the effects on/off via the Effect Buttons. In any position of the Morph controller (heel, toe or in between) you can switch on/off any effect module. And regardless of it's on/off state you can morph the continmuous paramaters within an effect module at any time.

    As I understand your need, it's too seperate for you. You don't like the fact, that while Mix of an effect is morphed to 0% you can switch on the effect, but still don't hear it as the effect module is now on with 0% Mix.

    Or did I misunderstand?

    Dear Burkhard,

    sorry did not see your reply as I was already answering to ckemper.

    Well yes the 0% issue seems to be my main case.
    I normally do not use many effects and my sounds generally are very dry. Therefore regarding morphing all mixes of the effects are set to zero. Once I press morphing the mixes rise to my liking. So in my case an independent/dependent use of the effects that are combined with morphing would be great.

    So I would be able to set up two different settings for one effect that can be changed by a single-effect-morphing feature. So maybe the description is not that precise. I think in another thread one was naming this „morph groups“. Maybe this is more precise to you?

    In my personal scenario the only necessity is the possibility to assign the effect switch to the mix level. If the effect is already being used by morphing. That would make me happy. The more sophisticated stuff (change between morphing of several effects and single-effect morphing) is maybe a too big change.

    So I fully understand that you want to keep a certain logic to your product. I just wanted to put in my personal view of how I use and would like to use the profiler. If you would change this it would be great for me if you do not I am sure I might find a workaround for myself (which maybe is not one for others).

    So all fine by me.

  • I still don't exactly understand, what you are trying to achieve behind the technical solution that you are suggesting. It appears as if you intend to exchange the defined roles of Effect Buttons (on/off switching) and Morphing (shifting continuous parameters between two values). But for which reason? Your Morphing shifts Mix to 0% which emulates switching off the effect. And you request, that Effect Buttons should be able to shift between two values, because your Morphing is occupied for emulating "on/off switching". What is exactly hindering you to use the free Effect Button for on/off switching instead and the Morphing function to shift Mix between two values x and y? As Morphing allows to shift parameters in multiple modules, Effect Buttons can switch on/off multiple modules.

    And why do you limit yourself to one Performance as you shared in the other thread? Why do all intended sound situations and morphing scenerios need to be built into just one Performance while 125 are available?

    Enabling multiple Morphings for the same parameter raises a few logical questions, if both Morphings cross. Let's say, Morphing A shifts Mix between 10 and 35% and Morphing B shifts Mix between 50 and 70%. If Morphing A is in Morph State and Morphing B is triggered into Morph State, what should happen? Should Mix immediately jump from 35% to 50% and shift from there to 70%? Or should Mix continuously shift to 70%? Or shift to 55% (35+20)? And is this predictible for the user and in line with other parameters being morphed simultaneously? Therefor even if we realized multiple Morphings, there might be a limitation that each continuous parameter can only be part of one Morphing at a time.

    I'm wondering if what you are looking for is not more like using Effect Buttons to switch between different complete effect on/off scenes, which frees up Morphing for what it is primarily made for.

  • Please explain why you need it. What is the business case? Why can't you use the Rig Buttons with Morphing for parameter shifts and leave the Efccet Buttons for on/off switching plus Action&Freeze? Why does it need to be the other way around? We don't intend to make the product just more complex for no good reason.