• I love my remote but I would like to have more visual flexibility as the screen itself is quite small.
    I would like to not read the name of the rig in a performance rather the effects I have assigned to the effect buttons once the rig is selected (eg 10 seconds for the name and then a second view with the effects assigned.
    This also would be helpful considering my two ME-Exp-Pedals with the switch that I can easily read of the remote what switch to press for what purpose.
    Maybe I am getting old but I oftentimes do have problems in remembering for each rig in a performance what switch I assigned to what effect (sometimes it is different) and the views are quite small.

  • Dear Burkhard, I know this feature but at least to me it still is difficult to read. Maybe it is an improvement to add another view or an option to define views. E.g. if only three effects are assigned to an effect button why not only show these? If it is two it is two and if it is four it is four. I would be happy.