8i6, MacOS, SPDIF, ProTools, Reamping

  • Hey Everyone! First time poster(maybe? I can't remember if I've ever posted before) long time lurker. I've been having the hardest time trying to get the settings on the focusrite 8i6 to work with reamping within protools. I was wondering if there was anyone who has successfully done this with the set up? My protools hardware IO doesn't even show SPDIF as an output option. I'm so confused and have checked out so many different videos on youtube and explanations on this forum here and I am just stumped. I really appreciate you Kemper Wizards.

  • I have not! I honestly don't even know what a snapshot is. I'm that dumb.

    I have done the following snapshot (= Focusrite configuration file having .ff extension) for reamping.

    You may do similar configuration by yourself and then save it. Before doing actual reamping, load this configuration.

    However, first of all, please save your normal configuration because you need to reload it after using reamping configuration.

    The first one (uppermost having text "Monitor Outputs 1 -2") routes the reamped signal (from Kemper via SPDIF) to DAW.

    The second one (lowermost having text "S/PDIF Outputs 1-2") routes the "dry" guitar signal (from DAW) to Kemper via SPDIF.

    Also make sure that the Kemper input is set to "SPDIF Input Reamp" during reamping.

    In Protools, configure the "reamped" track (= the track which records the reamped signal) input to "SPDIF 1 & 2".