New Idea for CK and Team on Tackling Fuzz Pedals

  • As has been stated before by myself and many others when the subject of fuzz preset stomps come up, the hurdle will be the guitar volume component that many fuzz players regularly use to regulate from sparkly clean to full on woolyness that different real fuzz boxes achieve.

    As we’re seeing with voicings in the two new drives added on the new beta, I believe it very possible for CK and team to get very close to certain fuzz tones too... already. With some time experimenting we can already create some great fuzzy tones on the Profiler, but backing off your guitar’s vol knob doesn’t accomplish the desired affect, and in some situations/settings, lowering the guitar vol lowers input to a point where the settings to give you that great fuzz tone suffer in a bad way when there isn’t enough signal there.

    My angle here is, why not try to simulate that important guitar/it’s volume knob + fuzz pedal, the effect capacitance plays on this dynamic relationship with tone by designing new fuzz stomps centered around the concept of using expression pedal. You essentially replace twisting your guitar knob, and instead use an expression pedal to digitally sweep through specific parameter/ranges. So for example imagine your expression toe setting being the fuzz face with its controls dimmed and your guitar vol on 10 too, and then you can use your expression pedal to hit any sweet spot you want on down to that just slightly pushed but crystal clear SRV Lenny tone in the heel position. You could have multiple presets just like the new drive to cover various ranges and tones (recreations of different classic circuits by way of stomp presets), and perhaps maybe need a few different fuzz stomps to hit other voicings (just like the approach we see with the separate Full OC stomp).

    I think many of us fuzzaholics would rejoice in having the ability to have those dynamics that a real fuzz pedal provides if all we need to do use use an expression pedal to simulate guitar volume knob twiddling.

    Just a thought to consider.

    Thanks for all of the fantastic updates over the many years CK!


    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

    Edited once, last by BuckeyeBrown (October 21, 2020 at 1:16 PM).

  • i had also been thinking long those lines and think it would definitely be a workable solution which CK and team could surely achieve. However, you will still get FUZZaholics complaining that it feel wrong using an expression pedal instead of the guitar’s volume control etc.

    i wonder is another way of achieving something similar would be to link this virtual capacitance function to input signal level. Sort of like having compression triggered by a side chain or the ducking function on the KPA. As the input signal is reduced this virtual capacitance feature would automatically be increased. There might even be a two control format (similar to the way Definition and Slim Down interact in the Kemper Drive) to capture a wide range of behaviours of different pickups and fuzz pedals.

    I am sure CK is well aware of the effect we are talking about so I wouldn’t be surprised if he has already devised some cunning plan for world domination of virtual fuzz effects ?

  • i had also been thinking long those lines and think it would definitely be a workable solution which CK and team could surely achieve. However, you will still get FUZZaholics complaining that it feel wrong using an expression pedal instead of the guitar’s volume control etc.

    i wonder is another way of achieving something similar would be to link this virtual capacitance function to input signal level. Sort of like having compression triggered by a side chain or the ducking function on the KPA. As the input signal is reduced this virtual capacitance feature would automatically be increased. There might even be a two control format (similar to the way Definition and Slim Down interact in the Kemper Drive) to capture a wide range of behaviours of different pickups and fuzz pedals.

    I am sure CK is well aware of the effect we are talking about so I wouldn’t be surprised if he has already devised some cunning plan for world domination of virtual fuzz effects ?

    The impedance interaction is not dependent on input signal voltage level. You can play soft with the guitar's volume knob up, and the fuzz's response be different than when you have the volume knob down and playing moderately.