Input led weirdness FIXED 1.1.0

  • After updating to 1.09 my input led acts really weird... in 1.08 it would not change color with gain ..only the clean sense would affect it in 1.09 not only it changes but works backward
    here is an example you can try..with this rig max the gain ,then lower it to 7 and then to 5 and note the led color it is green , then orange ,then red ?(


    Edited once, last by BRUNO (June 15, 2012 at 8:53 PM).

  • Oh my good! ;)
    Yes, that is a new behavior of the new firmware.
    Best is anyway to adjust Clean Sense by comparing to clean sounds.
    On high gain sounds the clean sense does not have an impact.
    But we might change that behavior for future updates.

  • Oh my good! ;)
    Yes, that is a new behavior of the new firmware.
    Best is anyway to adjust Clean Sense by comparing to clean sounds.
    On high gain sounds the clean sense does not have an impact.
    But we might change that behavior for future updates. seems that a few of your beta testers do not have this led behaviour...they said that increasing gain would push the led to RED..I have the opposite ..It goes to red when I DECREASE the gain ?(

    Edited once, last by BRUNO (June 9, 2012 at 2:17 AM).

  • On high gain sounds the clean sense does not have an impact.

    Then considering that with all previous FW version clean sense was the only thing that impacted the Led color we could wonder what was the led purpose on everything but clean tones ?
    If clean sense doesn't change gain it still changed the sound ..Now I don't know if the led works fine on my unit cause 1: on other guys unit it seems to be different
    2: the way it is on mine right now makes that led close to useless because clean sense and gain are interdependant of that led behaviour and one works the opposite way of the other

    also something that qualifies as "INPUT" led should not react to amp gain cause all stomps are before the amp so basically there's nothing to set the overall level into the unit
    So all in all I don't know if this part of my unit works fine but anyway I much prefered how it was before

    Edited once, last by BRUNO (June 9, 2012 at 2:59 AM).