More options for Favorite

  • As we know there are an awful lot of rigs.

    You go thru a lot and mark the best with "Favorite".

    Suddenly you stumble on a rig that is VERY good.

    I would love to se more levels of Favorite as the RATE function with the five steps.

    Personally 2 or max 3 levels would be enough.


  • maybe I am missing something but would it not be possible to use Favourites with Ranking to achieve this. Say, i only “rank a rig if it is good enough to be considered a Favourite . Anything below that is unranked. Select a rig as Favourite then Rank it 1 - 5 in terms of how good a “Favourite” it is.

  • That is one idea. The problem I see is that when you rank a profile on Rig exhange is one thing.

    Say you rank it a 3.

    Then you tweek it and save a very good version on you local library or in your kemper.

    Then you want to rank your version a 5 but it will be locked on 3 from the first ranking.

    So I would prefer to have 1-3 stars in favorite column.

    (Sorry for not the best English)


  • Sorry I was wrong and I am to new with Kemper and Rig Manager :(

    I did not have the column for rating activated in local libraries and now It works perfect

    You CAN rate the rigs in your own libraries even if there is another rating in the rig exchange.

    Now I can mark as favorite and rate it 0-5 and for me this is really good.

    Over and out :)
