ISP Stealth Ultra Lite 180 for Kabinet?

  • Well I couldn't wait anymore and ordered the SD power stage 170 with the Kabinet today.

    It's more money than the ISP but it was recommended in most of the threads here.

    But now I am thinking of ordering the ISP as well. Then do a quick test with both and keep the one I like.

    I like the fact that ISP can fit in the back of the toaster and it's cheaper.

  • I have the stereo version Stealth Pro, and the larger SD700, so not really a direct comparison. I feel that the SD is a more robust/better made product. The fan is not something I ever hear.

    The ISP is way lighter, but that's mostly because the power supply (large laptop size) is outboard, but also because the housing is thinner/lighter.

    The ISP is class A/B and the Seymour Duncan is class D. I like the fact that the SD is using the Icepower modules just Like Kemper does.

    They both sound good, no issue there, but my personal vote is for the SD.

    I think you'll be happy.

  • I have the stereo version Stealth Pro, and the larger SD700, so not really a direct comparison. I feel that the SD is a more robust/better made product. The fan is not something I ever hear.

    The ISP is way lighter, but that's mostly because the power supply (large laptop size) is outboard, but also because the housing is thinner/lighter.

    The ISP is class A/B and the Seymour Duncan is class D. I like the fact that the SD is using the Icepower modules just Like Kemper does.

    They both sound good, no issue there, but my personal vote is for the SD.

    I think you'll be happy.

    Thanks a lot. This definitely make me feel content. :)

  • Thanks sleiweke .... your comment made me do some research (and check your website - nice stuff... )

    You are correct, the ISP will ‘saturate’ when pushed past 80 watts at 4ohms. It will jump to 10x it’s .1 rated distortion when pushed to 90 watts, and the peak ‘180’ is burst only.

    I also saw the issue you had with this unit in a different thread; your description was really good.

    There was a documented issue with some units where they had bad capacitors causing the very issue you described, and the capacitors were replaced free of charge by ISP (or they would send them for user replacement is handy with a soldering iron, which I suspect you may be)

    So - if you still have th unit, call ISP, and they’ll send you out some parts that I’m guessing you can replace yourself. If not they may replace them or send you a new unit.

    I received my unit today, and find it very clean at the levels I would use a 1x 12” cabinet... not sure I would trust it pushing my Marshall 1960A cabinet...

    I hope this helps, take care.
