Clean Sense Issues SOLVED

  • Hello all! To my understanding clean sense is used to bring up or down to the relative volume of clean amps to match the volume of amps with higher gain. If you over adjust the setting, it actually reduces the volume of the gain profiles as seen in one of Kemper's user guide videos. I am currently using a PRS Semi Hollow SE and no matter what the clean tones are much quieter than the gain tones. In addition I am not able to achieve the loss of volume of gain profiles even when boosting the clean sense to 12db (not that I want that lol). Does anyone have any recommendations?

  • That sense is meant to cater for the difference in the output of the pups. The probleme may be rather the difference between loud and quiet profiles, esp when they come from different vendors. Often the solution is to modify the volume of the rig. For intance load clean and gainy rigs in a performance and balance the output of the five rigs.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • That sense is meant to cater for the difference in the output of the pups. The probleme may be rather the difference between loud and quiet profiles, esp when they come from different vendors. Often the solution is to modify the volume of the rig. For intance load clean and gainy rigs in a performance and balance the output of the five rigs.

    Absolutely. Clean Sense is for difference in pickup output, not rig volume.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • That sense is meant to cater for the difference in the output of the pups. The probleme may be rather the difference between loud and quiet profiles, esp when they come from different vendors. Often the solution is to modify the volume of the rig. For intance load clean and gainy rigs in a performance and balance the output of the five rigs.

    I think that part I was overlooking. I didn't consider different guitars will likely have different outputs, so its not a one setting fits all type of thing. I generally only use two vendors, once of which volume matches fairly well, while the other doesn't at all to my knowledge. Thanks for the help!

  • I treat the Clean Sense with an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude: Unless you are having a problem that you KNOW is related to the Clean Sense, leave them at their original, factory setting. FWIW.

    Be Thankful.

  • Agreed! Each pickup will have a sweet spot in terms of height. Whatever output you get at that point is what you get and you adjust the amp accordingly.

    Most of the guitars I set up for other people have them adjusted too high.