Overdrive, Ebow & Feedback

  • My previous thread was deleted because I capitalized the title. People are very sensitive these days. :thumbdown:

    What is most important, is my suggestion that it would be great to have some Overdrive options in the KPA. (Jeez, I hope this doesn't get trashed for capitalizing an acronym!)

    I am a big fan of the JHS (=O) Moonshine. I also use the Digitech Freqout in the Effect loop of the KPA to great effect! (Pun intended). Finally, the Frequout also emulates an Ebow, and I think that would be a very cool addition.

    Thank you for your attention and consideration.

  • My previous thread was deleted because I capitalized the title. People are very sensitive these days. :thumbdown:

    I've had a threads title changed to all lowercase because I used all caps as well, so I feel your frustration lol.

    All caps being frowned upon so much is a mystery to me too, my friend lol. But truth be told, I see mods and other users using all caps in posts all the time so, I think it's more frowned upon when it comes to titles of threads. It's natural to want to emphasize things when communicating this way with others. That's just my opinion though.

    Whats funny about this is that my threads title that was changed to all lowercase, was also a thread about more overdrives in the Kemper hahaha :D

    More overdrives has been a request that a lot of users support. I know I'd personally love some more OD options. I've heard on the forum that there are some more ODs possibly in the works right now and might be released in a future update ;)

    If there's one thing the Kemper teams great at, it's listening to users' requests and continuously improving the Kemper. I have a good feeling about more ODs possibly coming at some point in the nest future :)

  • IMO the best way to suit the Overdrive taste of multiple users is to add a bottom knob to interact with the tone control. With this we could influence the high and the low end of the ODrives separately.
    I had this in my old Boss ME-50 with the Blues Driver and many other OD and I loved it.

    Feedback at low volumes - with a FB-Generator - would be awesome too.? I miss that ...
