Are you using the Looper live on stage?

  • I'm sometimes thinking if I should learn how to use the Looper and handle it comfortably, so I could use it with some songs live on stage. Or is this just a nice feature for practising at home? Anybody here who does this regularly? What are your experiences?

  • I use it for one song but in a band scenario, it's not syncing to anything so it's wayward.

    I've go a TC Ditto Jam which syncs to a drummer. Its not flawless but is much better than a normal looper.

  • I sometimes activate it via pre-programmed MIDI. That way, I can record a loop exactly in time with the song (we play to a click track). I'm also the singer in my band, and there are one or two songs where I play an intro, then loop it so I can sing over it. It frees up my mind so I can concentrate on the vocals, and it frees up my hands for more expressive stage presence.

    You could call it cheating, but in my view everything you hear is still "live". :S The loop is not pre-recorded, it's played right then and there before it starts to loop. If I mess it up, it's even worse than without the looper because every error comes around a couple more times, so I really have to get it right the first time. If you think about it that way, it's actually more live than live! Right? ^^ And of course, if the MIDI automation should fail, I'm still perfectly capable of playing and singing the part at the same time.

    I do the same thing with my vocals sometimes (using a TC Helicon Voice Live), but only so I can sing a harmony part on the second pass.

    I had a play with it but to be honest I found it too limiting e.g sound is directly linked to your profile, can't use t as a sample ( one shot, only continuously loops ) etc.

    If you set Looper Location to Output, you can change profiles while the recorded loop stays the same.