Issues with sp/dif and using Kemper as master clock

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm having a strange problem using my Kemper Stage Profiler for music production. In short, whenever I have my Kemper set as the master clock, all audio frequently cuts out for about 3-5 seconds. The interesting part is that this never happens while I'm recording the output from my Kemper. I mostly only experience the issue during playback. I also have this problem whenever I am just monitoring the Kemper (without recording) while dialing in my tone. This could be a problem with my other hardware, or some of the software I'm using. However, I only have this problem when the Kemper is set as the master clock. I have never experienced this before having a Kemper.

    my set up:
    Kemper Stage Profiler

    Apollo Twin USB


    I am using the main outputs (XLR) to track the Kemper FX, and the s/pdif out for git analog and master mono. I have set the Kemper as the master clock at 44.1 kHz

    When the sound cuts out, the tracks are still playing, but I don't hear anything. All channels are muted.

    Please let me know if you need any additional information. One solution is to, of course, only set the Kemper to the master clock if I'm recording guitar tracks. Is this what I'm supposed to be doing? I'd rather not have to switch back and forth during some sessions where I am just focused on tracking guitars.


  • 1. make sure you are really using SPDIF cables.

    2. maybe this helps ( from the 7.5 Manual Addendum):

    ✓Audio and clock signals are sharing one S/PDIF cable per direction. In order to avoid crackles and other artefacts two SPDIF cables need to be connected if your PROFILER follows an external clock and sends an audio signal for recording. Two cables need to be connected, too, if the PROFILER is configured as clock master and receiving an audio signal via SPDIF. We recommend affording two SPDIF cables and leaving them plugged in.

    3. Check if the Apollo is set to slave.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    1) check

    2) I see. I have one spdif cable. Technically two, but one goes from my Apollo (optical input) to a converter. And the Apollo has a single input for spdif. I do not believe it even has a spdif output, so I have to reamp with analog outputs (no big deal though).

    3) yes, it is.

    well. It looks like there is really no way around this problem unless I get a new interface. And that's not something I will consider doing for a pretty long time. I'm a bit surprised I haven't heard of this issue before. I have chatted with plenty of people who use a Kemper with their Apollo. Perhaps they don't use spdif...

    OK, well, I appreciate the help.