Extending the KPA via effects/modelers

  • Hi,

    Well, I've only just ordered my KPA and I'm already considering what it can't do. ;) Mostly I'm thinking I'll probably need a foot controller though I could probably utilize my spare Behringer FCB1010, but floor space is tight and I thought it might be nice to add in some sort of pedal based guitar effects to the mix that could also be used as a controller and even possibly pick up where the Kemper leaves off in terms of a preamp model who's tone controls are actually representative of the gear modeled. Maybe I'm unjustifiably afraid of this limitation. I'm wondering if anyone uses something like a POD HD 300-500 with the KPA and how that went.

  • im using tc nova system for the most part along with an engl midi control. Ive tried also a line 6 hd 500 and thats good also. My eventide rack works best but the tc is just as good. Many ppl slam the tc but its excellent and compact and more than make up for the, well lack of fx...that said the kpa should soon have most of the fx the tc and eventide have. I just hope they are as good in use. Enjoy your KPA its an awesome unit that in time should change the way we all look to fx :thumbup:

  • I would think adding fx would be preferrable to giving up what the KPA has, which is the ability to deliver the best rendition of great amps.

    As for an eq section that models how each actual amps tone stack works? I don't see the advantage. That might be because the eq section of most tube amps aren't all that good. To my ears, the eq sections in the Kemper are far more usable for dialing in or out something which is missing.

    Then again, I was never the sort to adjust tone knobs on any amp I really like to use, once I had the tone I wanted. Once it was in the zone for me? I'd never touch it again unless the acoustics of the room or venue were really odd. YMMV.

    Edited once, last by 1fastdog (May 23, 2012 at 12:21 AM).

  • I would think adding fx would be preferrable to giving up what the KPA has, which is the ability to deliver the best rendition of great amps.

    As for an eq section that models how each actual amps tone stack works? I don't see the advantage. That might be because the eq section of most tube amps aren't all that good. To my ears, the eq sections in the Kemper are far more usable for dialing in or out something which is missing.

    Then again, I was never the sort to adjust tone knobs on any amp I really like to use, once I had the tone I wanted. Once it was in the zone for me? I'd never touch it again unless the acoustics of the room or venue were really odd. YMMV.

    I used to be like that when I used real amps. I'd set each channel up as a "preset" and just switch between them in conjunction with some sort of effects patch change to sculpt the sound.

    Then, when I started using modelers I found that you can often get some really amazingly varied tones by messing with the eq sections. Is this true to life? Not sure, but useful. One some amps more than others, but still useful. I imagine when profiles are made, several tone setup variations are made per amp? I hope so! So much variation between guitars and what not... it would make sense. In other words, if I found an amp I dug and profiled it, who's to say you'd use the same settings? Same mic? Even the same mic placement.

    Of course I may find this is all silliness and be fine. I just thought I'd throw it out there as I've read reviews that said they missed this feature that modelers have and the Kemper does not. Knowing how much I lean on it I was wondering if people did things to fill this gap.

  • im using tc nova system for the most part along with an engl midi control. Ive tried also a line 6 hd 500 and thats good also. My eventide rack works best but the tc is just as good. Many ppl slam the tc but its excellent and compact and more than make up for the, well lack of fx...that said the kpa should soon have most of the fx the tc and eventide have. I just hope they are as good in use. Enjoy your KPA its an awesome unit that in time should change the way we all look to fx :thumbup:

    The Nova does look cool... no expression pedal though. I guess one can be added, but my idea was I'd have something to use as a dedicated volume pedal and something for special effects.

  • I tried controlling the KPA with a TCE G system and the pedals attached to that do NOT send MIDI cc

    ??? It actually does, if you set the switches to do so....a friend of mine is using it to control an Eventide Eclipse using PC and CC#

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I used to be like that when I used real amps. I'd set each channel up as a "preset" and just switch between them in conjunction with some sort of effects patch change to sculpt the sound.

    Then, when I started using modelers I found that you can often get some really amazingly varied tones by messing with the eq sections. Is this true to life? Not sure, but useful. One some amps more than others, but still useful. I imagine when profiles are made, several tone setup variations are made per amp? I hope so! So much variation between guitars and what not... it would make sense. In other words, if I found an amp I dug and profiled it, who's to say you'd use the same settings? Same mic? Even the same mic placement.

    Of course I may find this is all silliness and be fine. I just thought I'd throw it out there as I've read reviews that said they missed this feature that modelers have and the Kemper does not. Knowing how much I lean on it I was wondering if people did things to fill this gap.

    I don't disagree whatsoever. The point I was trying to make is variation in eq doesn't require the same frequency centers as the actual amp. There are 5 types of EQ in the KPA... Granted, maybe folks aren't happy with them... maybe they don't realize they are there... :thumbup: One can save a number of eq'ed versions of an amp if they wish. Most modelers I have played through never, at any eq setting, sound like the actual amp wherever the "just like the real amps eq knobs"
    are placed... To me that's missing the purpose of what I need to begin with. Maybe Kemper should have someone do a video on how to use all of the stomps, not just say that they are there...

    The Kemper isn't a modeler. That's fine with me.

    Edited once, last by 1fastdog (May 23, 2012 at 6:50 PM).

  • Be careful with the Nova system. I tried controlling the KPA with a TCE G system and the pedals attached to that do NOT send MIDI cc! Never tested the Nova system so not sure if it has the same issue.

    As said, it' s working.
    Search on YouTube for a few tutorials to get you started.

  • I've used my G-system to control the Kemper for a couple of gigs, it worked fine. But very annoying that I had to run 2 additional stereo cables from my exp pedals to the Kemper. I have the Gordius LG2 now and couldn't be happier :)

    And I just noticed I wrote "anywey" in my previous post, never underestimate the need for morning coffee :whistling:

  • Thanks for the info, everyone. I decided to go with an Line6 HD500 for a few reasons. It seems like it can do a decent job as a MIDI controller. Nothing great but OK, and it seems to have a lot of pretty decent gear modeled in it including "special" effects like synth stuff which I like. If POD Farm wasn't a buggy mess I'd a kept it installed just for that... It's also got a looper, which is a plus for me, though it would be nice if that loop synced to MIDI clock like a Electro Harmonix 2880. :( Don't they realize how many of us are tied to computers and sequencers these days?

    Anyway, it also seemed like a nice way to have something small to take out if I decide to. I like how it can integrate into a DT25/50 which could be a good option in the future.

    Last but not least, it and the Kemper fit nearly perfectly into the budget I had to work with. With Memorial Day discounts I was able to get them both shipped to me for about $2K. :thumbup:

  • As for an eq section that models how each actual amps tone stack works? I don't see the advantage. That might be because the eq section of most tube amps aren't all that good. To my ears, the eq sections in the Kemper are far more usable for dialing in or out something which is missing.

    Yeah, I found this out yesterday with some experimentation. You're totally right. I was shying away from using the amp controls and just using the EQ for some silly reason, but in practice they work fantastically.