Help! Nasty sounds during note decay

  • Hi Folks,

    I love my Kemper. I really do! It has been the single best gear purchase I've made in the last ten years. However, I've recently noticed an issue that I can't seem to resolve. I've seen other threads hinting at a similar issue, but none of them seem to contain a solution that makes my problem go away:

    No matter what the profile (high and low gain) I'm getting very unpleasant background noise. It only happens when I play a note, and it is much more pronounced when using distortion stomps. Here is an example (you'll probably need to listen with headphones and turn the volume up; sorry about that!):…ise001.wav?dl=0

    It is always there, and especially noticeable when playing softly, and with single coils. But it is still present with humbuckers. I've tried everything: Clean Sense, Dist Sense, PureCab on/off, power conditioner... nothing works. I don't hear it with regular amps, either. One thing to note: using high gain pedals in front of my Kemper does not amplify the effect as much as using Kemper stomps. Weird, huh?

    I'd be grateful if anyone could help me resolve this issue, and I can go back to loving my Kemper 100%!

    P.S. There is an older thread (Noise issue) that describes this better than I ever could. Unfortunately, I don't think the "solution" at the end of that thread is helpful. It seems to be directly tied to guitar signal itself.

    Edited 2 times, last by EnArkhe (May 14, 2020 at 8:47 PM).

  • Not that this is the only thing to do, but I'd submit a support ticket.

    Also - make sure you're not leaving something like mobile phone, laptop etc. too close to things. I used to get a weird sound and then phone is in my right pocket. Took it out.....gone.

  • Thank you for your responses!

    Ruefus, good thinking. I'll definitely submit a support ticket! I keep my devices as far away from the Kemper as I can, but when they have been close (like a laptop, for example) it creates a different noise that is always there, independent of whether my guitar signal is coming through or my volume is at zero.

    Finally the sound only happens when playing the strings (especially softly or when the note is decaying). If there's a better way for me to share the audio (other than dropbox), please let me know! I tried uploading the file, but it was too large (even when zipped).

    GearJocke it seems to be present on all profiles, some more pronounced than others. I've tried playing around with the noise gate, but I don't like the effect it has on my sound.

    Edited once, last by EnArkhe (May 14, 2020 at 9:44 PM).

  • Any other ideas?

    A few additional notes:

    - the effect is most pronounced when I use the Green Scream stomp, even at 0.8 Gain and 15% Mix.

    - the internal noise gate and noise gate stomps do not eliminate the problem, so I've turned them off. Oddly enough, the noise sounds like a noise gate artifact. Is there some hidden noise gate (beside the one in Input) that I'm missing?

    - I've already performed a factory reset (both soft and hard), and wiped my Kemper, adding fresh profiles -- no change

  • Quick update: After sending more sound samples to Kemper support, they agreed that it was an issue with my device itself, and not the environment. I've sent it off for repair work for what may be an issue with the DSP. I'll report back here when I get it back.

  • tubelube Yeah, I suppose there is noise even when not playing, but not the same as the noise that seems to be a distorted version of the signal in the background of the clean signal. Here's another sample I recorded before sending my Kemper in for repairs:

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    As you can hear, a noise gate isn't really the solution. Believe me, I've tried! All it does is squelch the notes and reduce sustain. But whenever I play, the noise is there. Only with the Kemper, not even with a cranked tube amp, by the way.

    Anyhow, I'm still waiting to hear back from the support folks. I hope they can resolve the issue, as I was looking forward to recording with my Kemper.

  • Bonjour,

    Je ne sais pas si cela peut t'aider mais j'ai eu un problème similaire que j'ai réglé .

    j'utilise logic pro et ma session était en 48000 KHz mais il faut savoir que par défaut le Kemper et

    en 44000 KHz en modifiant ma session le problème a était réglé!

    En espérant que tu règles rapidement ton soucis


  • Update: Kemper support was able to reproduce the issue and they have decided to replace the DSP chip and analog board. After they do that and test it again, they'll give me an update, which I'll share here. Thanks again everyone for your ideas and concern!

  • Well, after all that, the problem still persists. :(

    And, from what I can tell, others are experiencing the same thing, for example:

    Oh, well. It would be nice if Kemper could find a solution for this, but I guess I'll just have to live with it for now. At the very least, I can minimize the issue by avoiding distortion stomps and using my guitar's volume (or a volume pedal) to clean up a higher gain profile.

    Thanks again to all who shared their ideas and well wishes. Maybe we'll find a solution one day...

  • I know I should probably start a new thread, but I think I've had an epiphany: these nasty sounds are supposed to be there!

    I stumbled on a page that explains how the fizz, crackle, and sizzle are actually normal parts of a tube amp's sound. Now, I only wonder why I had to go to the competition to find this out. Couldn't the Kemper support folks have just explained this to me?