Selecting Imprint or FRFR per rig?

  • Hi All,

    I appreciate that you can now select an imprint per rig, but is it possible to say have imprints selected for some rigs but then have other rigs in full range mode (i.e. monitor cab on using the cab that came within the profile)?

    It appears at present that the global output setting must be "monitor cab off" in order to select an imprint per rig, hence I can't then use the inbuilt profiled cab in any rig?

    or am I missing something?

    Many thanks all

  • I‘d like to have that feature too. Moreover, I‘d like to be able to have „FRFR“ mode in the global output settings and choose imprints per rig.

    I do not find the time to find the best matching imprint for a few hundred rigs, so I‘d go with the cab which comes with the rig per default and just apply an imprint on my favorite rigs :thumbup:

    And also I noticed I prefer some of my fav rigs in FRFR mode

  • Absolutely agree. Output setting should be available as "monitor cab on" as default, but still allow selection of imprints on individual rigs if required. I usually just have a few rigs that I would like to use an imprint on and the rest as frfr