Using EXP input for just one continuous controller

  • Hi there, rather than a foot-pedal I would like to use a ‚hand-operated‘ knob to control parameters. So I wondered if I can build a small box with just one potentiometer in it (so passive, without battery or so). Now I am not an electronics geek, but thought that must be pretty simple to do. Anybody know

    a) what type of potentiometer should be used and

    b) how to wire it to the tip, ring, sleeve connectors


    any help appreciated.

    p.s.: and then one step further: would it be possible to use the third control on my stratocaster for that like so: wire vol and tone1 pot so that they control all pickups, change the output jack of the guitar to a TRS one, then use the third pot in the guitar between ring and sleeve. Take an insert-cable to split guitar output and ‚expression‘-output into two mono-jacks and use them separately. Could that work?

    Kemper Player, EV ELX112P, Suhr S.Henderson Strat, Fender Ultra Tele, PRS S2 Custom24, Variax JTV-69

  • It should be surprisingly easy to do what you want.

    You need a linear taper pot. The value isn’t critical but 10k is ideal. 50k or 100k should also work just fine though.

    You can find wiring diagrams inline for making an expression pedal. Follow one of them the only difference is that you aren’t physically mounting the pot in a pedal casing

    Your Strat Idea would work but would require a second output to be added and two cables to come from the guitar. However, you could use a multi core type cable and run them both inside a single cover.