Overwhelmed with too many profiles, what is the best way to clear them off?

  • ]It's just my opinion, Doc: the way I see and feel it. I'm sorry you consider it cheap gossip, because I'm perhaps the strongest gossip-hater on the planet. And I've jumped in because of Lucky's post I responded to.

    I value your opinion, viabcroce, and I don't have any hard feelings for you. ;)

    ]TBH, I don't even think gossip is a proper term. I've made an analysis based on what Kemper showed.

    With all due respect again, you presented estimations of lost sales by what you call your analysis. All I asked for was the data on which your estimations were based. As you' re not able to present them your estimations are only, sorry again, gossip, as you're not able to back up your opinion/estimations in a proper way. If you do something like this in a world where a scientific structure of discussion is valued, be prepared to be criticized for not presenting data to back up your thesis.

    ]All: please stop calling pot-melter anyone not enthusiastic about the KPA or legitimately criticizing. We just come from discussing this regarding Hadley... I still remember him been attached because of lese-majesty.

    Who did this to you? Certainly not me. My days of being a fanboy are long gone and I've been known to be a voice of reason in internet forae for more than 10 years. I don't go after anybody criticizing a product or wanting features, never have, never will do.

    All in all I found your post a bit over exaggerating the topic and voiced my opinion accordingly, that's all.

    Let's move on, mate, and help me imrove my Italian a bit... :)
    Di dove sei, dove abiti?

  • Sorry, I have no clue how to multi-quote the same post... ?(

  • The KPA in it's current form, with all it's limitations, is an extraordinary technological accomplishment; it's obviously been released in a very advanced beta state-Performance Mode hasn't even been implemented yet! I for one, are really glad that It's "In The Wild", so that it's issues can be ironed out, with users like us- the KPA is already changing the course of guitar technological history; I can't wait to see where this extremely innovative & disruptive breakthrough goes!


    Edited once, last by vurnt22 (June 11, 2012 at 1:42 PM).

  • I lived without mine for about 6 weeks. New one arrived Friday. Ive been using borrowed gear during that time (My sons axefx2 for a couple of weeks and some eventide stomp stuff with my real amps) and can tell you that it brought a huge smile to my face as soon as I played the first few chords through the KPA. It really is a cut above the other modellers.

  • Kemper Amps should simply release a breakdown of the .kipr format and crowdsource the editor. If it takes off, they can then purchase the best of the available shareware editors from the author, and re-label it as Kemper.

    Ha! As if that's going to happen. Whatever happened to the days of SysEx dumps where every byte was documented? Editor-librarians were as common as dirt, and for good reason!


  • Frustration leads to innovation; Invention Is The Daughter of Necessity-Somebody brilliant & frustrated is going to step in & fill the KPA Editor Gap if Kemper doesn't do it.
    There are least 3 different editor solutions for Roland's GR55, 2 of which are iPad/OSC based. The creator of the brilliant TouchOSC editor, Marc Begnini, is a new KPA owner, so who knows...

  • I'm with Vurnt on this one (and btw thanks again for your kind words about the TouchOSC editor!) I'm glad the KPA is "in the wild". Yes, a Kemper-sanctioned librarian would be helpful, but who can honestly say that the need is so great that it would have been better for Kemper to hold off on releasing the amp?? I'd have taken my KPA sooner if I could have! Besides which, a few months is not so long for a product to be on shelves before some supporting s/w arrives. I think we need a little perspective here.

    And I have to call out this quote from the first page of the thread:


    On a more serious note, I'm starting thinking they had no clue about a guitarist's needs. Bad brainstormings? Bad customer analysis? Don't know.

    I couldn't disagree with this sentiment more. I'm constantly flipping through the manual, or working with the amp itself, and thinking, "man, this just makes so much sense!" The lock feature has a million brilliant applications, the way they set up volume pedal configuration is so simple and yet so flexible, the way they name files and snapshots with clear timestamps so I don't have to stop and worry about naming conventions when I want to be playing instead... the list goes on.

    This kind of brings me back to the cries of "we need a librarian/ editor!!!" ... I can only half-agree with this. The UI on the amp is so good IMO, and the amp is in many ways so refreshingly simple, I don't really see the need for an editor per se. A librarian to help you get your profiles and controls in order, sure. But the KPA is about playing music on great amps, not deep editing. (I've got plenty of other toys to lead me down that dark path...)

    If our worst problem is we got giddy and downloaded ALL THE AMPS IN THE WORLD (because I did the very same thing LOL) I'd say we've got it pretty good. :D

    My only complaint is the KPA didn't come with hundreds of hours free time so I could actually use it as much as I ought to.

  • Does anyone know, if you delete all the profiles at once, will it leave the ones in the quick save area... this would be soo much easier as going through the profiles a few times over the weeks I've added my favorites there and basically, those are the ones i want to keep....


    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • Quote

    ...I don't really see the need for an editor...

    So I was thinking about this (my own words) last night, and maybe I should clarify: while I don't think the KPA is in dire need of an editor right now, we still might be able to come up with something to make certain tasks easier. In particular I'm thinking of fine tuning stompboxes and post-FX without having to drill down into those pages. (I'm no fan of buttons that behave differently if you hold them for n seconds vs. tapping them, and flipping through multiple pages is never fun either.)

    As for tweaking the amp profiles, the Kemper UI is just what it should be: mechanical knobs laid out as expected on the front of the amp. But if there's an editor for whatever other reason, then of course those controls should be implemented, if only for the purpose of having them remotely accessible. So I guess I'll be keeping an eye out for that MIDI NPRN documentation after all. :)

    I still don't think there's anything to complain about in terms of usability out of the box, though. DON'T get me started about the Roland GR-55; I think that UI was designed by a room full of people who'd never even met a guitarist. And what excuse does Roland have after - what 40 years? - of designing products for guitarists? This is Kemper's first as I understand it!

  • Does anyone know, if you delete all the profiles at once, will it leave the ones in the quick save area... this would be soo much easier as going through the profiles a few times over the weeks I've added my favorites there and basically, those are the ones i want to keep....

    That's an excellent question. I'll check it out tonight, unless you've already had an opportunity and can tell us? Also, do you happen to know how many snapshots can be stored in the quicksave area? This sounds like it might be a great way to audition and purge.

  • That's an excellent question. I'll check it out tonight, unless you've already had an opportunity and can tell us? Also, do you happen to know how many snapshots can be stored in the quicksave area? This sounds like it might be a great way to audition and purge.

    Haven't done it yet, I'm waiting for someone more experience than me to do it, and recover their amps if need be... I've got too many already in the snapshot area too, so it seems pretty endless BUT I don't want too many or the KPA becomes too much of a play thing :)

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • Haven't done it yet, I'm waiting for someone more experience than me to do it, and recover their amps if need be... I've got too many already in the snapshot area too, so it seems pretty endless BUT I don't want too many or the KPA becomes too much of a play thing :)

    It would also be nice if the cabs could all stay somewhere too even though I would want to limit the number there too, .. it seems having too many choices is not always a good thing 8o

    Leg em down and yackem smackem

  • Does anyone know, if you delete all the profiles at once, will it leave the ones in the quick save area... this would be soo much easier as going through the profiles a few times over the weeks I've added my favorites there and basically, those are the ones i want to keep....


    Just tested this. Alas... no such luck.

  • Best post on the forum to date. :thumbup: