How do I?

  • Hello everyone. Hope you are all safe and well.

    I bought the Kemper Kabinet & Kone about a month ago, and I love it. However, I miiiight have pulled the trigger on it a tad too soon.

    I prefer to use my current setup of guitar (d’uh) > Into Input on Kemper > Two Jack cables out of Kemper’s Main Out > Into Guitar Rig Control 2’s (USB Audio Interface) Input > Then from GR Cntr’s Output into a powered Stereo Home Speaker system with 2x speakers.

    This way I can use my computer to record, or play music that is sometimes tuned down 1/2 step without having to tune my guitar or use Kempers transpose function, I simply use a software to play or record songs and transpose those song up or down depending on song. I don’t like connecting my phone to the Kemper for tuning and recording reasons.

    Now, all this being said I don’t want to damage my Kemper (powered) but I want to know if I can connect the Cab & Cone either to my home stereo or connect it with an amp cable going from Red output (Kemper) to Input on Kab, then have something going from Output on Kab to either my Guitar Rig Control 2 or to my home stereo or will that as I fear create a short circut somewhere? I have zero gear to lose right now.

    Maybe I should wait for powered Kemper Kabs or buy powered FRFR speakers? I think I read somewhere that the Out on the Cab is for mixing boards ect and those are powered too (like a USB device or home stereo, Yes? And I am not putting anything into the Red output of the Kemper that is powered already just the Cab, right?) I didn’t get a manual for the Kab & Kone order so I want to be sure.

    I know, I should and I do want another audio interface but later : )

    Thanks guys!

    Edited once, last by dbasl86 (April 17, 2020 at 12:17 AM).

  • No ! Putting something else than another cab from the output from

    your cab is like putting that other device in the red output from KPA.

    ONLY speakers from that red output ! NO line devices =O

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.