Pete's Profiles Cameron Jose Mod - OMG!!!

  • Hey gang,

    I just wanted to send a shout out for the Cameron Jose Mod profiles from Pete's Profiles. If high gain, modded Marshall aggression is your forte, look no further than these profiles. Seriously. I can totally see using a bunch of these in both old school and new school metal/hard rock contexts, mixed together or with another complimentary amp. SOOOOO GOOOOD!


    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • okstrat profiles are excellent! And he's one hell of a nice human being. He really knows how to make some kick ass profiles and they're inexpensive and high quality.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • Hey gang,

    I just wanted to send a shout out for the Cameron Jose Mod profiles from Pete's Profiles. If high gain, modded Marshall aggression is your forte, look no further than these profiles. Seriously. I can totally see using a bunch of these in both old school and new school metal/hard rock contexts, mixed together or with another complimentary amp. SOOOOO GOOOOD!


    SliderJeff what's the exact name of that Cameron profile?


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • Any of the "PT Cameron JoseHG 0X" where "X" is 1-9 are really good. It's the Model: Cameron Jose mod amp (Manufacturer: Marshall JMP). I'm not at home to spin through each one to give you a specific one that floats my boat... but all the "HG" (high gain) ones blew up my skirt in different ways, for the most part. :)

    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • Any of the "PT Cameron JoseHG 0X" where "X" is 1-9 are really good. It's the Model: Cameron Jose mod amp (Manufacturer: Marshall JMP). I'm not at home to spin through each one to give you a specific one that floats my boat... but all the "HG" (high gain) ones blew up my skirt in different ways, for the most part. :)

    Hahaha alright SliderJeff ! Careful with that skirt! Pete's profiles are fantastic. Check out his Voodoo Marshall and Helios they're damn good.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • I'm super interested in the Modded Marshall packs. Are the profiles in these Studio, Merged, or both?

    I checked the website and there isn't any info about what kind of profiles are in the different profile packs, just how many profiles and info about the amps.

    Any info would be appreciated :)

  • I'm super interested in the Modded Marshall packs. Are the profiles in these Studio, Merged, or both?

    I checked the website and there isn't any info about what kind of profiles are in the different profile packs, just how many profiles and info about the amps.

    Any info would be appreciated :)


    If I understand Pete's naming convention, there are Studio, Merged, and Direct Amp profiles... or at least that's the offering for the Cameron-modded pack I was speaking of.


    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • I'm super interested in the Modded Marshall packs. Are the profiles in these Studio, Merged, or both?

    I checked the website and there isn't any info about what kind of profiles are in the different profile packs, just how many profiles and info about the amps.

    Any info would be appreciated :)

    Yes SliderJeff is correct. Go back to Pete's website and click on the profiles. It tells you what kind of profiles they are. I think he also has a FAQ page that tells you about how he profiles. okstrat am I correct?


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • Yes SliderJeff is correct. Go back to Pete's website and click on the profiles. It tells you what kind of profiles they are. I think he also has a FAQ page that tells you about how he profiles. okstrat am I correct?

    After going back and looking, it says on the FAQ page that after the 3.0 update, he does mostly Merged Profiles. For some of the packs it says what kind of profiles they contain. For a few I was looking at, the info just included how many profiles and not what kind. So I'm thinking, any profile packs like that, without the specific type of profiles in the description, are probably Studio Profiles made before the update that allowed Merged Profiles to be made. That's more than enough info for me ^^

    Thanks for your help SliderJeff and rik777 ! Going back and checking out the FAQ page gave me some info on the newer profile packs and it definitely helps a lot:)