Onkelz - Auf Gute Freunde need help to get this effect!

  • Hello guys,

    i hope u can help me out with the effect at the beginning? What does he use and what settings do i need to get close to this sound? (link below)

    Appreciate cheers


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  • sounds like tremolo, RATM use it a lot and reminds me of this

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  • you can’t get that sound with the tremolo. The on/off transition isn’t a hard square wave.

    i think the Tom Morello one is done with a kill switch. Interestingly, Tom doesn’t do that effect live on Bombtrack though.

    The Onkelz link has been removed but I looked it up and it also sounds like it could have been a kill switch. The other way to achieve something similar is to side chain a gate from an other instrument or an LFO sending a square wave but neither if those are possible in the KPA at the moment.