Help preparing for first live show using Kemper!

  • Hello Everyone!

    I’ve owned my Kemper Power rack for about a year now, I’m preparing for my first live show with a new band, We have a very minimal sound check on the night we're straight on after another band, pretty sure it's just plug in and quick 5 minute sound check on each patch, I’m extremely anal about being prepared and want to make sure it’s perfect so there's no hiccups on the night.

    I’ll be running mono L out of main straight to the desk unfortunately no wedges/monitors on stage so I have to rely on cab for stage sound but that's fine. I was wondering if anyone else had any tips or tricks for helping with preparation, All of my patches are from professional bundles so I shouldn’t have to do any adjusting they already sound incredible out of the box, maybe just a bit of delay/reverb tweaking. I’ve been a reader on here for a while and done some of my own research and what I’ve turned up so far is;

    IF ANYONE HAS AN ANSWER FOR THESE PROBLEMS THAT'D BE GOOD TO - I've adjusted my clean sense slightly to stop my input led from hitting red and clipping, I've adjusted it slightly down so it only just touches yellow , Is this correct?.

    I have a patch where if I start to dial the gain up or down, the volume of the actual patch starts to increase and decrease exponentially.

    Do I turn cab sim off for FOH? If so how do I do that?

    •Engage -12db pad for FOH mixer headroom

    •Make sure rigs are volume balanced, What's the best way to do this? Just using rig volume?.

    •Disconnect Main outs to allow independent Monitor out & Cab volume adjustment without effecting FOH

    •Keep USB with patch/firmware backups

    If anyone has any more relevant tips please do share!

    Edited once, last by Jake91 (March 4, 2020 at 1:12 AM).

  • Hey Jake,

    first of all ensure that you have a backup with all your current settings on the stick. If anything happens by mistake you are prepared.

    Level out the rigs up front before going to the gig and before making a backup. IME if there are minimal level differences knowbody will care/notice.

    I do my leveling in the rehearsal room with the band, always and yes I adjust the rig volume.

    I use the xlr-outs for the FOH and usually use the available monitor system. I do not have any guitar cabinet at a gig. If I want to be super save and indepenent I have an exclusive, in my case active, small 12 inch FR monitor which I directly connect to my KPA monitor out. Just because I use in this set up only full range speaker I have the cab sim on.

    The most benefits of this setup is that there is no cabinet on stage that limits the mixing because of own volumen and I do not have to carry the weight :). IME you have to level down guitar cabinets at small gigs a lot, so that there is no felt benefit compared to the monitor setup I just explained.

    In addition I have a packing list with backups for ALL cables, which I everytime walk through. Its better to have it than to need it!

    I hope that helps!

  • The main out signal going straight to FOH will have the cab sim on and that's the way it should be. If you hook up a guitar cabinet on stage and monitor that from the monitor output of the KPA, you would turn off the cab on the monitor output. Hope that makes sense.

    Good luck.

  • The patch increasing in volume as you turn the gain down suggests that clean sens/dist sens is the logical culprit.

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  • Thanks heaps that helps a lot, It turns out I'm not going for for this gig now I think were just going to mic up a cab, but that's all good, Ill just make sure I balance all my rig volumes before I go into the gig tomorrow night. Cant wait!

  • Answers embedded in quote above.

  • I find that the cab sim for some patches are off and on when I switch patches, even after I toggle it, is that just a case of using the store button after ever change I make to each patch, including rig volume changes.?