Tc mimiq doubler

  • Hey!

    I’ve put the mimiq in the stereo fx loop (correctly with another pedal) sounds great on clean but anything with gain is horrible and phasey.

    I’m going Kemper - interface - monitor speakers.

    Does anyone know if it’s because it’s going into an interface and 2 monitors rather than straight to two different amps?

    Maybe I’m chasing a sound I kind of already have with the monitors

    cheers guys!

  • The demos I have heard sound a bit phasey. Maybe wait for the next Kemper OS release 7.5, because CK announced he has a phase widener that is sounds very interesting. I wonder if it is his take on the Mimiq.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Ah Thankyou! Hopeful here too! Looks like I’ll be taking it back. Found the stereo widener on it but not quite the same

    What you're talking about is the EQ widener. It is subtle and adds a frequency on one side, while subtracting the same frequency on the other.

    You will have to wait for the phase widener until the next update.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Hey ohg! Are you by any chance running yours into two amps?

    Yeah everything is in stereo and still getting that same sound. I had presumed it’s because I had it going to an interface and then monitor speakers. Using it at home not live. I’d like to get to the bottom of it but yeah might have to wait for the phase widener like Karlic said

  • I’ll echo what others have said: the mono folddown on that pedal is not great. I had one given to me and ended up giving it away after one use. By design, it’s going to mess with your timing and phase if you’re monitoring in mono.

  • The Mimic is not supposed to be used in mono. They even tell you that if you do this you’re going to get some bad phasing issues.

    I have mine set up in the stereo loop, using the alt input and direct on the back of the Kemper. I’m also running in stereo (outputs set to Master Stereo - and then each of my Main Outputs (XLR) are being run to a separate channel on my board, one panned 100% left and the other 100% right.

  • Yeah everything is set up in stereo, I mean I’m getting the same noise. So yours is going to a board where’s mine isn’t. It’s going to an interface then xlr to individual speakers so not panned. Is this my problem?

    thanks for this, maybe I’ll get to the bottom of it

  • Ah so you have a mixer after your interface. Then instead of my xlrs going to the speakers they go to a separate channel of a mixing board which you can pan to each side on the board?

    So would your left and right signal be split correctly as I thought mine would have been already as everything is set in stereo

    cheers. I’m kinda new to setting this up correctly so the help is really appreciated

  • The reason I left the Mimiq behind is that you can never be sure your signal is coming in stereo live. Many engineers pan stereo sources inwards live as a habit and some PAs are not wired correctly in clubs. CK said the phase widener is mono compatible, so I am interested to try it.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • I had a mimiq for a while. I tried it in the loop and post Kemper (between the XLRs and monitors. It did sound good for some things but had found it to have a negative effect at times. I sold it after a month or so.

  • I had a mimiq for a while. I tried it in the loop and post Kemper (between the XLRs and monitors. It did sound good for some things but had found it to have a negative effect at times. I sold it after a month or so.

    I did exactly the same, but then I got a second Kemper, and bought it again. Works great, all the issues (like in my case, the left side sounded duller than the right) were gone.

  • I did exactly the same, but then I got a second Kemper, and bought it again. Works great, all the issues (like in my case, the left side sounded duller than the right) were gone.

    I'm tempted to try it again as well.... however, I found that it added a fair bit of shrillness to the signal :(

    Out of interest, how do you have it configured? I run in stereo anyway, so had it as the 2 1/4" outs on the Kemper to the Inputs on the Mimiq, and then the two Mimiq outs to two RedSound cabs (via TRS jacks).

  • I did exactly the same, but then I got a second Kemper, and bought it again. Works great, all the issues (like in my case, the left side sounded duller than the right) were gone.

    I would love to know how you're doing this. I bought a second Kemper to have as a backup but to also use along side my first one. But I have yet to find a way to hook the two of them up so that my Kemper foot controller sends change signals to them and have it respond immediately. I've tried the ONLY video online about this (ToneJunkie) but it doesn't work. In that video, he tells you how to hook it up, but you never hear him playing while switching rigs. When I switch rigs, my first Kemper switches immediately like normal, but there is about a 1/4 to 1/2 second delay between that and when the 2nd Kemper switches. So if I'm playing on a distorted rig and switch to a clean right, it's very noticable and makes the whole setup completely useless.

  • I would love to know how you're doing this. I bought a second Kemper to have as a backup but to also use along side my first one. But I have yet to find a way to hook the two of them up so that my Kemper foot controller sends change signals to them and have it respond immediately. I've tried the ONLY video online about this (ToneJunkie) but it doesn't work. In that video, he tells you how to hook it up, but you never hear him playing while switching rigs. When I switch rigs, my first Kemper switches immediately like normal, but there is about a 1/4 to 1/2 second delay between that and when the 2nd Kemper switches. So if I'm playing on a distorted rig and switch to a clean right, it's very noticable and makes the whole setup completely useless.

    I have a really simple midi thru box. You can probably find something on ebay for next to nothing. Maybe if you are daisy chaining the Kempers it causes the latency on the 2nd unit.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • I just got the behringer xr18 so can pan my channels now and everything is in stereo and ohhhhh myyuiuuyyyyy!!! Turn on the mimiq and I’m just blown away! Add the Strymon big sky and timeline. IM DONE! I just don’t know what I’ve been missing out on all this time

  • Quote

    Out of interest, how do you have it configured? I run in stereo anyway, so had it as the 2 1/4" outs on the Kemper to the Inputs on the Mimiq, and then the two Mimiq outs to two RedSound cabs (via TRS jacks).

    Maybe I wasn't clear on that point. Guitar goes into the mimiq, outputs go to Kemper 1 and Kemper 2. Both Kempers use only one output , and both going into my interface panned left - right. Or if I ever go play live again, into two 1x12" Rocktron cabinets.

  • Just had the Mimiq arrive, and I think my previous unit must have been a duff one - this one is much better!

    Tried it both in a stereo loop (Direct out via TS cable into MONO in on Mimiq, loop is set in the MOD slot as have an EQ in the X slot) and between the output of the kemper and input on a stereo device, and it's much better in the loop I think.

    I'm impressed!