Hey Radley, your tour rig

  • Have you tried the newly added Christophe Kemper "Leslie"?

    It's by far the best FX I've heard in any modeller...it sounds a lot better than my Bob Sweet mojovibe

    Thank you. I will look for that. I'm just learning how to find my effects, save them or move them to a different preset.. Its a different OS but I think owning a Virus helped me right off the start. Everytime I plug into this Kemper I'm blown away how it feels having the interaction between guitar,fingers and amp. For the first time it feels real

    Edited once, last by apogee123 (May 11, 2012 at 3:11 PM).

  • I agree that the KPA leslie sounds excellent - *much* better than the AFX equivalent.

    +10 :thumbup:
    The Kemper Leslie is the best I've heard in any digital unit.
    Other boxes can have more leslie parameters but they still don't sound this good to my ears.

  • I agree that the KPA leslie sounds excellent - *much* better than the AFX equivalent.

    Keep in mind Kemper are keyboard people..creating nice modeling keyboards for a very long time, if they coudn't do a proper keyboard effect like a Leslie speaker by now, I'd be worried.. :)
    For some strange reason me having owned real Hammonds and leslie speakers most of my life, 1 effect I never cared for on guitar was the leslie, but since i'm hearing good things about the KPA leslie, i'll have to check it out.

  • Dear Kemper Clan,

    Please note that I expressed my (negative) feelings quite clearly on the Fractal board concerning the Rotary block. This is the way it should be here, there or anywhere else - honesty is always the best policy... There is no double-standard with me between the Kemper & Fractal boards - I always try to simply say it like it is...

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • Dear Kemper Clan,

    Please note that I expressed my (negative) feelings quite clearly on the Fractal board concerning the Rotary block. This is the way it should be here, there or anywhere else - honesty is always the best policy... There is no double-standard with me between the Kemper & Fractal boards - I always try to simply say it like it is...

    Dear Mr Honesty

    This matter will be discussed at our next executive board meeting, your behaviour on the Fractal board will be taken under consideration.
    If it's decided that you acted in an inappropriate way and damaged the reputation of the Kemper in any way, you will receive a fine and a one year suspension.
    Please note, if you continue with this kind of behaviour on the Fractal board there is a possibility that your Kemper will be confiscated and donated to a charity organization supporting underprivileged musicians.

    Honesty will not be tolerated, please refrain from being honest and attempt to make an effort to be dishonest when discussing the Kemper on the Fractal board.

    Thank you for your co-operation with regards to this matter.

    Yours sincerely
    Al Kempini

    [Blocked Image: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/157122_100000021828708_2088829584_n.jpg]

  • *C Kemper steps into the room, carrying a basball bat*

    A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.
    Enthusiasms, enthusiasms... What are mine? What draws my admiration?
    What is that which gives me joy? Baseball! A man stands alone at the
    plate. This is the time for what? For individual achievement. There he
    stands alone. But in the field, what? Part of a team. Teamwork... Looks,
    throws, catches, hustles. Part of one big team. Bats himself the
    live-long day, Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, and so on. If his team don't field...
    what is he? You follow me? No one. Sunny day, the stands are full of
    fans. What does he have to say? I'm goin' out there for myself. But... I
    get nowhere unless the team wins.

  • This is the way it should be here, there or anywhere else - honesty is always the best policy... There is no double-standard with me between the Kemper & Fractal boards - I always try to simply say it like it is...

    Hey Hadley,
    I much appreciate your attitude here and elsewhere. Despite all the negative buzz and the beginning of fanboysm here on this very board when you started clearly expressing your opinions, I estimate your behaviour a lot. I try and do the same, here or over Fractal board.

    I also want to say that few people would (and actually have) react(ed) as you did when provoked and subtly offended as it has happened here. You're a gentleman. I've admired you a lot, and I hold you in high esteem even tho I don't really know you :)

    Thought I had to say this, folks.

  • Btw Radley, I might have overread it, what do you use besides your axe 2 and the mfc. I mean things like, amplification on stage or inear. That kinda stuff.
    I am really interessted in what a touring pro like you uses on stage. :)

    Edited once, last by Steeldom (May 12, 2012 at 6:52 PM).

  • Thanks for the input and humor guys - good stuff! I am doing this tour with 2 AFX IIs and 2 MFC-101s - I always have backups for every piece I use onstage. The AFX will be handling all the processing for both my EG & AG sounds, direct to the Mains system (no amps, cabs, or mics). I have many AG IRs loaded inside the AFX (accessed as Cabs), and this eliminates the need for an Aura or similar box.

    All modelers known to man 8o

    Edited once, last by Radley (May 12, 2012 at 9:13 PM).

  • We use the Aviom in-ear monitoring system with a 16 channel mixer box for each musician.

    Nice!! Must be one of the advantages of being a pro :D

    I actually prefer inear in little locations, where a decent monitoring is nearly impossible. On stages where I'm able to move around I'm a bit torn. Although I really like the advantages of the inear, it feels a bit more rock n roll to hear loud speakers all around you. ;)

    But thats a really nice and simple, still very flexible setup you have. Maybe on your next tour you will use the Kemper for the ampsounds and then have the probably ultimate rig :thumbup:

  • The main reason Neil wanted us to use in-ears is that it makes for a cleaner sound & mix out front, without all of that deflected sound coming from 15 different monitor speakers. 8o

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • The main reason Neil wanted us to use in-ears is that it makes for a cleaner sound & mix out front, without all of that deflected sound coming from 15 different monitor speakers. 8o

    I agree, it's the best way to get a clean sound in FOH, i've notice that most sound guys seem happy when they don't see any amps onstage, it sure makes the monitor and FOH engineer's job much easier and the overall end result better, and it's becoming the norm these days, having said that, for guitar even dough i plug direct, and use IE, i usually use a small powered monitor, just to get extra sustain/feedback, i prefer to have that whenever possible, it works great if it's right in front of you.