Link block parameters in multiple rigs

  • Hi,

    I’d like to request a way to control the parameters of a selected block in multiple rigs at the same time.

    Example: let’s say that I have a performance with 5 rigs; the same profile is loaded in Rig 1 and 2 and another profile loaded in Rigs 3 to 5 (usually I use a couple of profiles/amps at best with different levels of gain).

    At this point, let’s say I’m at my gig’s soundcheck and I need to change the Bass parameter on the amp block loaded in Rigs 3-5 of my performance; right now the only option is to make the changes in Rig 3, copy and then paste in Rigs 4 and 5.

    I think it would be incredibly handy to have an option to “link” selected blocks/parameters in selected rigs in a way so that, if I quickly need to change a parameter in multiple rigs (following the previous example, the Bass in the amp block in Rig 3-4-5), I can set it up so that if I change it in Rig 3, the new value automatically applies to Rig 4 and 5 without having to copy/paste the whole block.

    Thanks a lot

  • I was about to post a similar feature request, but fortunately I searched and actually found something similar I was looking for. Since this post is now three years old, I'm afraid that either no one else needs such a function, or that it's not as easy to implement as I think it is.

    I would love this feature as it would simplify a lot of things.

    I often screw on rigs at home, because it's more relaxed.

    I open recordings of the drums, bass and vocals from the rehearsal room into my DAW and tweak the rigs until it fits in context. Occasionally I play the guitar through an active full-range speaker and see if I notice anything negative.

    I then have a performance for each song and the rigs are often similar (clean, crunch, lead...) and with effects like delay or reverb that differ only minimally.

    Since I don't have a live situation at home, of course, it could turn out during rehearsals or a concert that the settings aren't quite optimal. And then of course it would be nice to be able to react quickly.

    So you could find out that the distortion in the crunch rig was too much, the volume of the lead rig is too low, or you were too generous with the delay or reverb mix parameter. And the problem may run through all performances, because the rigs from performance "Song 1" were copied to "Song 2" etc. and they were only adapted to suit the songs.

    My idea was that certain parameters could be linked across performances using "links" (or something like that).

    In the rig manager it could look like this, for example, by right-clicking the parameter and on the menu "Revert Parameter to Default/Stored Value" another entry with "Link" appears below it. You can then give the links meaningful names. This could happen in such a way that on "Song 1" in the crunch rig, the Gain parameter in the Amp module was given a link called "Gain_Crunch". For "Song 2" select the appropriate rig and the parameter and link them together via "Link". Corresponding links could then also be made for other parameters and the rig volume. If you now change a parameter, it also changes in the other Performances, provided these parameters are linked.

    I hope you understand what I mean. I've attached an image of what that might look like.

    I don't know yet how this could be implemented with the hardware Kemper or Stage. So far I haven't thought about it.

    I have no idea if that would be feasible and I'm sure there is still room for improvement. But for me such a function would be a dream!