Which is the right choice, Stomps or Effects?

  • I'm curious about the difference of the Stomps section and Effects section. I know "Stomps" is set up in mono to emulate a signal going into a guitar amp and "Effects" is in stereo. Is there anything else that is different?

    For a lead tone, I'm running a Fortin Meshuggah profile with Legacy Delay and Legacy Reverb in their appropriate slots, Vintage Chorus in the modulation slot and the Lead Boost in the X slot. Generally I would run a boost like OCD through the front of the amp in mono pretty close to the front of the chain. However, with the Kemper, I find that if I run the Lead Boost through the Stomps section it sounds very muddy and lackluster. Why is this? A boost shouldn't need to run in stereo, right? Why is the stereo signal making a difference? Is there another thing that is different about the Stomps section and Effects section.


  • If the amp is already distorted then a distortion pedal sometimes makes it sound muddy and less distinct. I'd keep it in the Stomp section and mess with the settings of the OD and amp (probably less gain on the amp) until you get what you're after.

    I think introducing an OD in the Effects section isn't very usual because it's after the preamp, but your ears are the best guide.

    While I almost always put reverb and delay in the Effects section I also like chorus/phaser/flanger in the Stomps section for some tones due to the way they interact with the preamp stage.

  • Try working with the Definition control on the amp. That one control is far more powerful in shaping the sound than many realize. If that doesn't do it , try a Treble Booster to see if you get what you're after. I've used that on very low mixes to create some cool stuff.