Rig Manager 3 performance workflow

  • Hi, first week with my Kemper and I'm trying to figure out a smooth workflow for creating and editing performances using RM3. There's a few things that feel like bugs (sometimes dropping rigs on a performance slot resets it back to Crunch, editable rig freezes to one of them regardless of actively previewed rig, etc). But mostly I'm trying to clear up some things that are a bit confusing.

    I'm cool with creating a new performance in local storage, dragging rigs into slots within the performance, dragging a performance from local storage into a numbered performance slot on the profile.

    However, is there a "right" place those rigs need to be (e.g. local storage or profiler) in order to be in a performance slot on the profiler?

    Once the performance is created, is there a way to edit the rig for a slot in RM3? For instance, one of my performances is for a detuned song, so I'd like to transpose the rig. I feel like the only workflow effective for this is copying the rig which feels bad.

    Similarly, talking about rigs rather than performances, once a rig is stored on the profiler, editing that rig is not reflected in any copy in "local storage", correct? So should I be editing in local storage and dragging back to the profiler? Editing on the profiler and copying back? Trying to keep them in sync feels quite clumsy unless I'm missing something.

  • (snip)However, is there a "right" place those rigs need to be (e.g. local storage or profiler) in order to be in a performance slot on the profiler?(end snip)

    (snip)Trying to keep them in sync feels quite clumsy unless I'm missing something.(end snip)

    I can't answer all your questions, but the short answer is that there is no right way, so feel free/get ready to experiment to come up with what works best for you. As for the sync thing, the foundation of Kemper's file management theory is that you create a copy every time you do something, so if you want to implement a 'create once; use many' strategy, you will need to get familiar with copy/paste pretty quickly. There is no 'right place' to store your rig(s) because once you drag one onto a performance, you have just created a new copy that exists within the performance and no where else - its not linked to the rig you drag/dropped, and if you edit the original rig, those changes will not show up in the rig in your performance, and vise versa. The same applies to any and all presets like stomps, effects, sections, etc. If you tweak a stomp, and save it as a preset. Every time you use that preset you are essentially creating a copy of the preset.