Powering the new Kemper Kone speaker with RITTER Camplifier / GBA products

  • I have a Kabinet and a Camplifier SHP on the way. I will be playing mono in home studio so very quiet; mostly jazz; and with small rock bands in small indoor and outdoor venues (once lockdown is over). I have no immediate use for the stereo nor the great amount of power (I assume I won't run in bridge mode); but it seems like a great unit overall so I just look at these as extras. I did not get the volume control because I can't think of a use for it. I will just control volume from the Profiler.

    My SHP is still in Deutschland....it's killing me LOL. I can't wait to report back on this thing!

  • I received my SHP yesterday and everything so far it is perfect. Installation couldn't be easier and it operates beautifully. Now playing through the Kabinet/Kone and man this thing sounds good. As an example, I am playing a 67 vibrolux profile through the Jensen 10" speaker on the cone. A pure, clean, quiet tone that seems to capture that crystally-tubey warmth like never before. This is a Kemper game-changer for me. Mind you I can crank up the volume plenty, but I love that my Kemper now sounds so good at a small audience jazz volume which is how I play a lot.

  • I am so lucky, that I founded this topic!!!

    I haven’t ordered one yet, but I will! Awesome product!


    Actually I ordered it right away (280W mono version) and Kemper Kabinet as well. ^^

    Gear: Kemper Profiler | Neural DSP Plugins
    Guitars: .Strandberg* 

    Edited once, last by drop the sun (August 3, 2020 at 12:49 PM).