Folder Advice

  • Sorry if already discussed, but I could do with some advice on folder layout/rig importing functions in RM 3 beta.

    Having owned a Kemper for a couple of years now, I am in the situation where I have the original Kemper profiles (I got 2nd hand so already 1000 in there, plus another few thousand on USB stick from the previous owner, ), plus all those I have downloaded since from Rig Exchange, plus some I have purchased - you get the idea, I have so many profiles :)

    My question is what is the best way to import and organise in RM? I have tried separating into folders per Amp, or alphabetically, but I didn't realise you cannot drag folders with rigs included (so I created folders, but then you have to import the rigs per folder into the new (identical) folder. (Hope that made sense!). This seems cumbersome and slow (I gave up after a while). I guess the other option is import all rigs and then create folders from Rig Manager and drag in (I assume that's possible?)

    Anyway, just wondered if someone else has come up with an efficient way of managing this, and perhaps I'm missing a simple way to deal with. Or maybe some future RM enhancement would help.


  • I just popped in to give a big old "+1" to this thread. I'm a new Kemper user and now that I've built a solid library of profiles, I'd like to organize them. For example, under all my 600+ Michael Britt profiles, I'd like to create sub-folders for each amp, such as....

    • 1956 Fender Pro
    • 1956 Fender Twin
    • 1958 Fender Tweed Deluxe (and on and on....)

    However, there is no way in RM to arrange the sub-folders alphabetically....or even to manually re-arrange them by "Drag-N-Drop" method. They are permanently arranged in the order you create the folders. That creates lists that are a hodgepodge and not helpful.

    Certainly RM3 can do better than this. Can we get some kind of sub-folder organization upgrade?!?

    Kemper Head & Stage User