Different volume levels per switch on Kemper Stage

  • I already know this is a common question but I am just frustrated and can't figure it out as I am brand new to Kemper. I watched the videos on this site and it either was not explained or I missed it.

    I have a very basic setup and only need the five switches for my setup.

    Switch 1 = clean

    Switch 2= Dirty #1

    Switch 3 = Dirty #1 lead boost

    Switch 4= Dirty#2

    Switch 5= Dirty#2 lead boost

    I can not for the life of me figure out how to make Dirty #1 and #2 lead boost louder than the standard volume. I just want to play switch 2 then when it's time to solo hit switch 3 and have it louder with some delay and reverb. All I can figure out is to store volume levels throughout all five switches. Can someone please explain how to do this to a total new guy? Thank You

  • You would do just as you said. For each switch/rig set your master volume at the level you want and save your performance. When you make your changes your volumes will be as you want. You can even incorporate morphing and have volume boost that way as well.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • I'm not sure how it's implemented on the Stage, but on the toaster and rack it's simply a matter of increasing the rig volume (not the master volume!) for each rig that you want louder, then saving each rig after making the change.

  • (not the master volume!)

    Yes, sorry for the incorrect term. I was thinking the opposite of what I noted. The "master" volume being the top knob is not the knob to change. I have that set as my monitor out so I think of it as something different than what it is marked.

  • The one place to set different volumes for each slot is the Rig button. And the other place is at the amp level, where you also might change the volume.

    I often noticed, that profiles I tried come with to much gain (for my taste) and they are set up with low volume.

  • thank you guys I did figure a way out but not through the rig button. I’ll have to check that out there. What I found was to hold not tap the amplifier button. Hit page over right and there was a volume option. I hope I didn’t go to the wrong thing? It seems to have raised the volume for that slot.