Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • Did some comparisons between Kabinet in FRFR mode to a powered Neo-CLR that I have. I'm using the BAM200 amp for the kabinet. The CLR sounds best to me on the floor monitor position and the switches set for tilt back. This gives a nice low end and mid details. The top end can be what I think of as too hi-Fi. Especially on the heavier profiles with more gain. Not bad at all and would work fine in 95% of the applications with a live band.

    The Kabinet didn't have the hi-Fi sound to it and just feels more natural. Hate to use the term in the room feel but that's how it sounds and reacts to me without a hi-fi top end. It didn't match the low end of the CLR and when I turned on bass boost for the Kabinet it was almost too much low end. So a tweak on the monitor eq on the KPA did the trick there. I seem to like the sweetening setting at around 3 or 4. Can someone explain what the sweetening parameter is doing?



    from manual addendum 7.2 “

     Sweetening

    The full-range mode of the KEMPER Kone is extremely linear — for some of us, it might even be too linear. The

    high-quality monitors/PA speakers used with digital guitar amps will often emphasize the low and high frequencies —

    this makes the sound more appealing and allows for an increase in volume level without causing ear fatigue. The

    "Sweetening" parameter allows continuous control over the level of this emphasis. At full left position, there is no

    emphasis at all. At full right, the low and high frequencies will be emphasized by 6 dB, while the overall volume stays

    roughly the same”

  • Another quick look

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    Missed opportunites ...

    As a cabinet maker they would have had the equipment to A/B a certain guitar speakers against an Imprint.

    Not everyone has two equal cabinets available in one room.

    It is not professional to make judgements of the memory, and not take the specific profile he played, into consideration.

    I can tell that the imprints have even slightly more attack than the respective original speaker, due to the wider beam.

    This is why we have introduced the Directivity parameter to tame it to your liking.


  • On the whole, I don't think that was a very good demo, looking at it from any angle, objectively or subjectively. The comparison at the end was just daft, as his close mic positioning wouldn't get the full sound of both cones in the Kone. It doesn't seem like he RTFM either:D

  • So do you know of an amp that you be happy to recommend? I have the unpowered KPA

    ckemper mentioned somewhere the TC Electronic BAM200. I bought it and I’m very positive. It may be a bass power amp but very transparent & clean. It’s very small & light (less than 1 kg), lots of power and inexpensive.

  • ckemper mentioned somewhere the TC Electronic BAM200. I bought it and I’m very positive. It may be a bass power amp but very transparent & clean. It’s very small & light (less than 1 kg), lots of power and inexpensive.

    Many thanks

    'You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead' - Stan Laurel

  • The “loudness” button was meant to compensate for perceived bass loss at lower volumes. Google “Fletcher - Munson curve” for information.

    Note that as volume increases, the Fletcher - Munson effect decreases. In effect there is less need for bass compensation as volume increases.

    At some volume level in any room will require no compensation. After you reach that point, activating a loudness button will artificially accent bass.

    So the effect is not linear. I know of no “loudness” compensation button on any stereo system that took this non-linear behavior into consideration. When you activated the compensation you got the same level of bass boost regardless of where the volume was set.

  • The “loudness” button was meant to compensate for perceived bass loss at lower volumes. Google “Fletcher - Munson curve” for information.

    Note that as volume increases, the Fletcher - Munson effect decreases. In effect there is less need for bass compensation as volume increases.

    At some volume level in any room will require no compensation. After you reach that point, activating a loudness button will artificially accent bass.

    So the effect is not linear. I know of no “loudness” compensation button on any stereo system that took this non-linear behavior into consideration. When you activated the compensation you got the same level of bass boost regardless of where the volume was set.

    Right! That's how it has been back in the days.

    I have a Bose Bluetooth speaker, where I have the impression that it levels the Fletcher Munson automatically. More Bass at low volumes, less at high volumes. A very nice behaviour. And it prevents it from overpowering or distorting at high volumes automatically.

    But this is off-topic :)

    We would not want this in professional gear, I guess.

  • I apologize in advance, I realize this isn't the proper place to post this but was hoping for some assistance:

    I purchased two kemper kone speakers and am hoping to be able to send them back. They just aren't quite what I am looking for. Nothing bad to say about them, just slightly prefer my kemper into my two EV12L loaded 1x12s.

    I have sent a couple emails to sales@kemper-americas.com regarding a possible return. I also submitted a form on the "contact me" page a couple days ago. I haven't heard back from any of my attempts.

    Anyone know how else I should reach out?

  • Hey ckemper !

    Currently the Kabinet seems to be sold out everywhere... have you any information for us when it is available again?

    Or hasn't the production stopped?

    I know the situation worldwide now is a strange one but hopefully you can get us (who are interested in buying a Kabinet during the lockdown) a little insight.


  • Hey ckemper !

    Currently the Kabinet seems to be sold out everywhere... have you any information for us when it is available again?

    Or hasn't the production stopped?

    I know the situation worldwide now is a strange one but hopefully you can get us (who are interested in buying a Kabinet during the lockdown) a little insight.


    So, you must be referring to Europe being out of stock? Shows in stock/available for purchase in US. I purchased recently and received promptly from US store ... great customer service by Matt as well!


  • I received the Kone on monday and installed it in a 1x12 Palmer cab. So far I didn't really test all different speaker imprints. But I have to say that the V30 imprint sounds amazing with high gain profiles! It sounds much better than with profile cab in full range mode.
    I'm looking forward to discover the other imprints. Once again amazing work Kemper team! Thanks a lot.

    Edited once, last by endrwenigr (April 8, 2020 at 10:22 AM).

  • ckemper mentioned somewhere the TC Electronic BAM200. I bought it and I’m very positive. It may be a bass power amp but very transparent & clean. It’s very small & light (less than 1 kg), lots of power and inexpensive.

    any issues with the amp being 8hm and the kemper kone being 4 ohm? Debating between this and the SD PS-170