Need help with IRs and merged profiles

  • I am in a few bands, and do shows with bands I produce. The Kemper powerhead/remote seems amazing, but so much to learn.

    I have profiled my main rig both with cabinet and without. I like them both.

    Now I would like to be able to send the "merged profile" to foh and remove the cabinet for stage.

    1: Can I make my own IR? If not.I probably could find one that I like for FOH from the ones available. My speaker is a 4x12 with scumback M12-75s which is just a really good greenback.

    2: Can I use a merged profile to FOH and listen on stage to my cabinet with the CAB off. I have already tried that with profiles I have, but they weren't merged and I think the Kemper just has to guess (and it guessed wrong). This way I can just take my little 2x12 scumback loaded marshall to rehearsals and small gigs.

    Thanks for everyone's help!!!!

    Rich Morpurgo

  • the simple answer is yes.

    can I send IR to FOH but not backline? Output menu- there is an option for “monitor cab off” just tick this and FOH will get the full signal chain but Monitor/speaker out will get it without the Cab block.

    Can I make my own IR? Do you need a traditional Ir or are you referring to the Cab portion of the KPa profile? The answer to both is still yes. If an IR just make it as normal and import it in to Rig Manager then load into the Rig you want to use it with. If the Kemper Cab section. Make a Merged Profile. This includes both the full studio profile (including cab and mic) and a Direct Amp Profile. It then extracts the Cab section by subtracting the DAP from the Studio Profile to leave just the Cab portion. Monitor Cab Off works as you would expect even with your own profiles.