
  • After a few months of playing my Profiler through FOH speakers (main outs) and/or a powered monitor (monitor out), I decided to use the internal power amp to drive an unpowered guitar cab. I turned off the cabinet simulation, and connected my home-built 2 X 12. The cabinet is a clone of an Avatar open-back design, and the speakers are Webers: one Alnico Blue Dog (a clone of a Celestion Blue) and one Alnico Silver Bell (a clone of a Celestion Silver Bell).

    Holy crap, it sounds righteous. Every profile comes to life in a way I could not have imagined. The profiles all sound much more dynamic - probably due to the high sensitivity of the speakers. Now, if I can EQ / otherwise massage my guitar channel in the PA to get close to that cab, I will be a very happy camper. 8)

    Too many guitars, not enough strings!

  • Sounds very good Tom, thanks for sharing this :thumbup:8)

    I'm not too keen to get back to my 4x12 ENGL PRO cab as it is so heavy to carry it around (you need good friends if you want to have this beast with you on stage all the time). Still it adds something magic to the sound as well :)

  • and the speakers are Webers: one Alnico Blue Dog (a clone of a Celestion Blue) and one Alnico Silver Bell (a clone of a Celestion Silver Bell).

    Oh yes! I had the same cab and I think in this case the Weber clones are better than the originals. I had 2 50W light dope versions. What one speaker can't do can the other do

    zuviel thread macht blead

  • Oh yes! I had the same cab and I think in this case the Weber clones are better than the originals. I had 2 50W light dope versions. What one speaker can't do can the other do

    Yes, I also have the 50W, light-dope speakers! They really do compliment each other, for sure.

    Too many guitars, not enough strings!

  • On a recent show a friend (bassist) came to me and told me that my tone was perfect.

    But there's something weird like the sound was not alive or trapped in the cab :)

    He has no clue about Kemper, IRs, FRFR and all that.

    I've spent many years using the AXE FX and now Kemper through a Powered FRFR (CLR) and recently bought a 2x12 to test.

    Same friend came to another show with the guitar cab and told me that now is just perfect.

    There's still something different about guitar cabs.

  • Frankly I didn't expect it to sound this good through a guitar cab. I even thought it might sound a bit odd, maybe get colored a bit too much by the cab. Not so!

    I'm ditching my cheap powered monitor, for this use anyway - it sounds like dog poop compared to an actual cabinet! ^^

    Too many guitars, not enough strings!

  • When I first bought my powered toaster, I ran it into my Marshal 1960A 4x12 (Vintage 30s). That was my first Kemper experience, and it sounded awesome.

    I've since picked up a Yamaha DXR-10 (powered FRFR). It sounds awesome as well, but in a different way. Since I'm mostly relegated to the studio these days, I like the fact that I have both options.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10