Creating IRs using power amp

  • Hi everyone.

    I've become interested in creating my own guitar cabinet impulse responses and would like some help and suggestions regarding a power amp.

    Is it possible to use a powered Kemper, with all slots disabled (effects/amp/cab), as a power amp to send an IR sine signal through? Or would you recommend a stand-alone solid-state power amplifier?

    Also, I am considering purchasing an Orange Terror Bass which has a class D solid-state power amp (I have a Kemper Stage for live shows that I send to my bass amp's FX return for stage volume). In theory, I could route signals through the FX return to bypass the tube preamp, and use the Terror as the power amp. What are the chances that this could work?

    Some things I have learned but am still wondering about:
    - Most people say that a 'neutral' and 'low distortion' solid state power amp is best for capturing IRs. Does the Kemper or a solid-state bass amp power section provide a 'neutral' sound? What budget power amps would you recommend (I am looking at a QSC GX5 that is locally available on the used market)
    - I will need convolver software, of which there are many to choose from, but are there any specific recommendations?

    Other notes:
    - I am aware I can use third-party IRs, and I do this regularly. My band wants to create IRs of our own gear so we get closer to our own tone.
    - I have all the necessary equipment, EXCEPT a power amp, to do this process
    - I understand that I shouldn't use a guitar amplifier, especially a tube power section, because this can colour the IR tone. Tone colouration might be better for people who want to use only a guitar preamp section when recording, but I probably will skip this because I would like to load my IRs into my Kemper to use with different amps.

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated, especially from people who have tried out some different IR creation techniques.

  • That's Wheresthedug
    Good to know the Kemper is capable. I will spread the news and test this out in the new year.

    Just to be sure, ALL effects/amp/cab blocks should be disabled/turned off, then I can run a sine wave or white noise signal from my DAW and interface, into the Kemper's Input and out of the powered Output, correct?

    I don't actually own a powered Kemper, just a Stage, so knowing the routing would be helpful. Thanks.

    Edited once, last by FormerRogues: I had a few more questions (December 19, 2019 at 9:42 PM).

  • Awesome.

    I am already profiling with a Two Notes Captor and the Wall of Sound suite as an IR loader. Already the BlendIR program came to my attention.

    It is a bit tought to mic up my cab and 50W amps in an apartment 'studio' where we track guitars and bass. Using IRs has been a godsend for the band. Thankfully I have access to some spaces over evenings and weekends where I can mic up, but the gear tear down/set up/tear down again is never worth it for tracking. I hooe that I can get the IR recording figured out and get closer to capturing our tone.

    Of course, the Kemper is great for profiling a studio setup, but one guitarist uses a CAB M pedal for live gigs with his Mark V:25, and we haven't converted him to a Kemper yet. The IR is also a great solution for quick live setup and control over what FOH recieves from us.