The Kemper Foot Controller: A Proposal

  • +1

    So I also am looking for a solution with all I need on board. So at least one expression pedal would be great. I know my subjective opinion is not important, but I don't like the idea of bringing stuff together on a self built board. I don't think I would.

    But anyway it's an exciting thing to discuss features of an upcoming product. Thank you so far!

  • Here are a couple of suggestions:-

    1. When using the KPA in Perform mode, maybe the Bank controls could instead step through the songs in the set list and there could be an LCD/LED display showing the section of the song assigned to each switch? (I don't know if Perform mode will work this way, but it might be handy).

    2. More granularity on the Tuner and an indication of which note is being tuned (useful for those using alternate or drop tunings).

    [Blocked Image:]

  • Hi Chris,

    I think your design has a lot of promise. Just a few suggestions from someone who gigs regularly:

    Please, please, PLEASE make the LCD display LARGE enough to read the patch names easily while standing above it.

    Also, when you toggle the tuner, it should show up as a graphic in the large LCD display, just like it does in the KPA when you switch to tuner mode. That is SO, SO important for live playing.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • Hi Chris,

    I think your design has a lot of promise. Just a few suggestions from someone who gigs regularly:

    Please, please, PLEASE make the LCD display LARGE enough to read the patch names easily while standing above it.

    Also, when you toggle the tuner, it should show up as a graphic in the large LCD display, just like it does in the KPA when you switch to tuner mode. That is SO, SO important for live playing.


  • In a similar idea, I did a little draw for a KPA Foot Controller proposal (I don't know if I did post it in the right thread thought).

    I only had my graphics, but it could of course be made by using the current black draft, it doesn't matter.
    And I used the ABCD and XMDR names to an easier understanding to refer to what KPA users know and can read on the Amp front panel.

    [Blocked Image:]

    The big difference is the fact to have the dedicated row for the Stomps and another one for the Effects. I would like to turn on/off a delay and reverb, independently from the compressor, tube screamer, etc... I also had the A/B to easily switch between two rigs, a Loop to always be able to start the Looper or a Sequence.

    And when you hold A/B, you can actually turn on/off the Amp, EQ, Cab and Master of your Rig Stack.

    The Boost could be active on any of the 1,2,3,4 positions.
    Inputs would allow to change the Input (Strat/Les Paul) and if you hold it for 2s you're in Mute/Tuner.

    You could access to most on the far right side, most of the important features such: Mute/Tuner, Loop, Next Song, Tap
    At the bottom you will get your Clean, Crunch, Solo, etc... (or Intro, Verse, Bridge, Chorus, with the Boost for Solo)

    I hope you like it... because I do. And I might not have the KPA yet, but there's no doubt I will get one... ever more with a Foot Controller like this one :)


  • I like several ideas here. And I will be very happy to have a dedicated Foot Controller from Kemper!!

    The switch that is really missing from the CK prototype (also as a feature in the KPA itself) is the LOOPER.

    What do you think about it?

    There's an important statement here about the possibility of a looper.

    I think we at least need to do the exercise of superimposing looper controls over the proposed layout to see if it makes sense. You don't want to come up with a looper function a year from now, but have sold 500 foot controllers with layouts that won't work for looper controller.

    I think fundamentally you'd need some kind of Alternate (ALT) switch to put the foot controller in an alternate mode.

    Also, what does the "edit menu" overlay look like on top of these buttons. Seems like at minimum you need 3 overlays: functional mode (rocking out), program/edit mode (pulling hair out), and possibly looper mode.

  • A couple of questions for Christoph:

    Regarding MIDI functions (to be implemented on the KPA)

    1) Are buttons 1-5 limited to sending Program Change equivalents?

    2) Are buttons I, II, III, IV limited to sending 1-2 MIDI CCs equivalents?

    3) Are all of these programmable?

    4) Will you implement the possibility of any buttons sending MIDI Note and sequencer start/stop? I would like to be able to trigger some Virus stuff ya know.

    5) FInally, in your calculations, how much cost to the end user is saved by not having a simple MIDI out on the foot controller?

    I like that you've realized the MIDI function already exists in the KPA, but it makes the foot controller so much less general purpose. I know you've said proprietary, but not having any general purpose use built in will affect how I perceive the price when it comes time to buy.

    Edited once, last by blewis (May 1, 2012 at 1:43 PM).

  • You don't want to come up with a looper function a year from now, but have sold 500 foot controllers with layouts that won't work for looper controller.

    Makes complete sense... But since the KPA can receive so much new features in future by firmware updates, and since maybe "new functions" might come with the time, we can't know everything that we really want.

    That's the reason why I think and propose it could be great to use the "Looper" button for basic start/stop the looper... and if we hold it then the 4 switches under the screen, normally used for XMDR Effects could receive features about the Looper. The features name will appear on the screen... By doing so, you can ever add/remove/change some features on the screen without redoing the foot controller design (and/or labels marking)

    This is a kind of Alternative features for the top row switches when you press-hold another switch :)

    What do you think about that? Would it work for you?


  • i'm afraid it's gonna be tough to make that a majority's point of view, but count me in!

    [Blocked Image:]

    This layout looks perfect to me. The exp pedal jacks 1&2 are on the correct side/ the fx on off is perfect at the bottom/ the tap is in a very convenient place/ the tuner is tucked away so no hitting it by mistake in the middle of a song.

  • This layout looks perfect to me. The exp pedal jacks 1&2 are on the correct side/ the fx on off is perfect at the bottom/ the tap is in a very convenient place/ the tuner is tucked away so no hitting it by mistake in the middle of a song.

    Looks good to me, I'd also use the FX buttons more than the actual rig changes.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Proprietary means, that the board will not have its own power supply.
    This will save significant costs.
    Also we don't want to have this pedal selfcontained, with all kinds of midi functions. At least not initially.
    If we add generic midi functions, they can be sent thru the Profilers Midi Out.
    We can avoid a complicated programing method on the device itself.

    There is so many fantastic generic pedals on the market. We don't want to compete with them.

  • [quote='blewis',index.php?page=Thread&postID=32830#post32830]

    Proprietary means, that the board will not have its own power supply.
    This will save significant costs.
    Also we don't want to have this pedal selfcontained, with all kinds of midi functions. At least not initially.
    If we add generic midi functions, they can be sent thru the Profilers Midi Out.
    We can avoid a complicated programing method on the device itself.

    that's good news for me.

    dear mr. kemper, you replied to a lot of comments, but never to the more compact approaches...
    (i really like the last one with the stomp-switches at the bottom row...)
    are you considering a more compact design at all??

  • btw, i'm all in for that looper !!! on "my" compact floorboard, just hold tap for like 1 sec, and instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 you have rec, play, undo, redo, stop... 8o