Rig Manager 3 crashing on Launch. Windows 8.1 Anyone know what I can do? Team?

  • Same here for OS Mojave. The profiler attempts to sync with Rig Manager and Rig Manager immediately crashes.

    I reverted back to the previous Kemper OS and Rig Manager and it's working. I guess I will be waiting for the bugs to be fixed.

  • This issue is apparently affecting ALL Win 8.1 users. In another thread it was discovered that the Kemper software guys were building and testing the newest Rig Manager/Editor beta 3.0 with an API that's strictly only used in Win 10, hence the reason it works for those using that OS. Apparently this issue is also plaguing certain Mac OS versions as well, and perhaps they are related.

    For now, a temporary workaround (in Windows 8.1, no idea how this would work or if it would work on a Mac since I do not own or have access to one) if you want to use the newest RM 3.0 beta is to go into the install directory for rig manager and look for the file called "rigeditor.dll". If you rename this file and then start up rig manager, it will indeed load and function, albeit without the editor at the bottom since that DLL file is now no longer being called and used. I have personally installed the new RM 3.0 on 4 separate PCs all running Win 8.1 and it does not work on any of them, but renaming that DLL file mentioned above allowed me to at least get it to open and function as the standard software that's been available all along, without the editor.

    I have filed a support ticket with all of this information and I am still waiting to hear a response. I imagine they'll have to locate an API for Win 8.1 to troubleshoot and fix the DLL file so it works in both 8.1 and 10.

  • I'm on Win 8.1 and I stupidly jumped in this trap of downloading RM3 and I didn't find a way to run back to previous version :(

    I kept calm like a stoïc philosoph, killed my neighbor's dog and then think on myself that RM3 is just a mirage or at the very least a bad joke !

    And I tried Mr olivarulez's tips !!! So thank you so much olivarulez to bring us the best issue at this time to allow us to use again RM, even if it's not the expecting last version but it works like before !

    "La théorie, c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne. La pratique, c'est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. Ici, nous avons réuni théorie et pratique : Rien ne fonctionne... et personne ne sait pourquoi !" - Albert E.

  • I had a little hope when I'd try version 3.0.82 ... really ! I had ....

    (On Win 8.1)

    "La théorie, c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne. La pratique, c'est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. Ici, nous avons réuni théorie et pratique : Rien ne fonctionne... et personne ne sait pourquoi !" - Albert E.