Noise with some rigs?

  • Guys,
    I just wanted to make myself totally sure that this is normal.
    I'm getting a strange noise with some of my high gain rigs.
    Don't listen too loud, some scary sudden things in there. I'll explain:
    First few seconds are my guitar volume turned down and the static going on. Then I turn it up, static is still there and ofc noise from my single coil. Then I unplug the cable from the guitar - noise is still there. Then I replug, and the clip is over.
    The noise is, in fact, coming from the Kemper, because even if I disconnect the instrument cable from the Kemper's input, it's still there.
    Should I be worried or is this normal?
    Oh, the rig used is up on the exchange, it's =A-Gilmour. But I get this kind of static with many other rigs as well.
    Thanks in advance!

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

    Edited once, last by richaxes (April 25, 2012 at 3:28 PM).

  • Do you have your computer or any device with cooling fans and/or hard drives near the KPA? I have the same if I keep the Kemper too near to my PC case (overclocked...BIG fans inside and 4 HD), it disappear as soon as I move it away

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Do you have your computer or any device with cooling fans and/or hard drives near the KPA? I have the same if I keep the Kemper too near to my PC case (overclocked...BIG fans inside and 4 HD), it disappear as soon as I move it away

    Is ~1-2 meters near? That's the distance kinda. Anyways, I tried moving my KPA away and it didn't help. I don't have anything else like this near it.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Is ~1-2 meters near? That's the distance kinda. Anyways, I tried moving my KPA away and it didn't help. I don't have anything else like this near it.

    No, my one have a huge copper fan and was at 40cm of distance, I've moved the tower at the other side of the desk and was gone....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • No, my one have a huge copper fan and was at 40cm of distance, I've moved the tower at the other side of the desk and was gone....

    Then maybe it's something to do with the "wiring" of the house, like ground problems or anything? Ground lift button doesn't do anything btw.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • That means only is not a grounding problem....btw: never press them all 4 together, very unhealthy!

    Thanks, they were all pressed in... it didn't make a difference, though.
    So, what could be causing this? I'm connected to a socket splitter (or what it's called) with multiple sockets but nothing else connected to it just the KPA.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • I noticed a strange behavior. When I turn on my KPA with my guitar connected and everything, standing on the same rig, no noise is present, As soon as I hit a note, the noise is there, and I can't get rid of it.
    Same is achieveable by going to a different rig and going back - no noise first, and if I play anything or even touch the guitar with the volume pot turned up, the noise is there.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

    Edited once, last by richaxes (April 25, 2012 at 6:32 PM).

  • 8o 8o 8o 8o Holy sh.... my one at max do not hit the 2... 8| 8|

    .Have you tried switching off the stomps one after the other to check if the problem is there?

    What the hell...
    The problem is definitely gain dependent as far as I've realized it, because lower gain profiles don't seem to have this problem.
    Did you try this profile to see if you have the same issue with it? If not, please, do so, if you would be kind enough :) I didn't change anything so just importing and trying it is enough.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Well, now I understand! :D That is a rig that was profiled relatively clean and then the gain on the Kemper has been maxed to 10!!! 8o 8o
    If you would do that on a real Hiwatt I can promise you it would be a LOT noisier and at stage volume the speaker coils would probably try to jump out the cab!
    Wrong way to achieve that sound, firstly is WAY too much gain for the intro of Sorrow, you need volume to achieve that sound, Gilmour is blasting some thousands of Watts for monitoring alone, secondly it is a lot better to start from a profile made with more gain. I've tried reducing the gain and adding a Rat stomp in front (mouse, on the KPA) and the noise floor was a bit better. There is a Rig from Chris Beaver around (believe is an 11R plexi) that would work a lot better for that intro (with some tweaking).

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Well, now I understand! :D That is a rig that was profiled relatively clean and then the gain on the Kemper has been maxed to 10!!! 8o 8o
    If you would do that on a real Hiwatt I can promise you it would be a LOT noisier and at stage volume the speaker coils would probably try to jump out the cab!
    Wrong way to achieve that sound, firstly is WAY too much gain for the intro of Sorrow, you need volume to achieve that sound, Gilmour is blasting some thousands of Watts for monitoring alone, secondly it is a lot better to start from a profile made with more gain. I've tried reducing the gain and adding a Rat stomp in front (mouse, on the KPA) and the noise floor was a bit better. There is a Rig from Chris Beaver around (believe is an 11R plexi) that would work a lot better for that intro (with some tweaking).

    Thank you! So does this mean that you're getting the same issue as well?

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Off course! I mean...the gain on the KPA is at not an issue or a bug, is the normal behavior of an amp....

    Thank you.
    To be honest, I was expecting something like this, but I had to be sure that it's not my unit or something with the electrical system here.
    Cheers man, I owe you one ;)

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • This is an interesting topic. I too have noticed that certain profiles are much more prone to noise than others. As far as I can tell, it has little to do with gain or EQ but some invisible parameter determined within the mysterious profiling process - only CK knows for sure... 8)

    All modelers known to man 8o