Spdif dont work? What happens? (reamping)

  • i dont know what is wrong now...

    -Changed in INPUT SOURCE to Spdif Input reamp

    -In reaper in master track routing i select numer 6, then in focusrite controller added software daw playback numer 6 too..

    -create a loop and try to change the amp during th dy track, but nothing happens....

    Any idea?

    thank you all

    Now the spdif dont worf... fine...

    Hating kemper reamping set up in 3,2,

    Edited 2 times, last by rafabosch (November 27, 2019 at 6:14 PM).

  • do you have 2 cables connected to the SPDIF I/O?

    I have no experience with the Focusrite software or your DAW but you need to route the recorded DI track to the SPDIF output of your interface.

    Many of our customers use reamping over SPDIF every day. Once you have mastered how to configure your DAW and Interface it is very easy to use.

  • do you have 2 cables connected to the SPDIF I/O?

    I have no experience with the Focusrite software or your DAW but you need to route the recorded DI track to the SPDIF output of your interface.

    Many of our customers use reamping over SPDIF every day. Once you have mastered how to configure your DAW and Interface it is very easy to use.

    Hi! yes, i have 2 spdif cables in/out out/in

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