Locking feature

  • Hi, I have started playing around the locking feature of my Stage. I did the following:

    1. I locked Block B which is a typical boost
    2. I assigned Effects Button 1 to toggle Block B then hit Store just to be sure
    3. Saw that this was applied to all my rigs in the current performance
    4. When I switched to another rig (another performance) that has a saved assignment in Effects Button 1, the setting in step#2 was not applied. (I assume this is normal)
    5. When I went back to the rigs in Step#3 the assignment for Effects Button 1 (toggle Block B) was gone

    My questions:

    1. Are Effects Buttons saved for locked blocks?
    2. Is my observation in Step#4 a bug?
    3. Is my observation in Step#5 a bug?

    For anyone that can clarify, thanks in advance! :)

  • The lock button isn’t saved as part of the Rig or Performance. It is either active or not.

    Think of it as an override option for what is saved in a profile. It basically tells the Kemper to ignore what the Rig being load contains (in its saved form) and instead just leave the locked FX or Block that is currently locked in place.

  • The lock button isn’t saved as part of the Rig or Performance. It is either active or not.

    Think of it as an override option for what is saved in a profile. It basically tells the Kemper to ignore what the Rig being load contains (in its saved form) and instead just leave the locked FX or Block that is currently locked in place.

    Okay, I think I got your point. I appreciate the reply :)

    It's just strange that the Effects Button for a Locked Block on one Rig was also applied to other rigs not using this Effects Button as I observed in Step#3

  • I’m not totally sure if I understand your scenario exactly.

    Did you still have the Lock function enabled (the lock light would be lit up)? In this case the footswitch would remain locked to the effect so even if you didn’t have the effect saved in the new slot it would still be active due to the lock.

    If you had already turned off the lock function it may be that you had saved the full performance including the footswitches but I can’t be totally sure of all the steps you carried out.

    Basically, if an effect is locked and assigned to a footswitch then both the effect and the assigned footswitch should override anything already saved in the Rig being loaded.

  • Okay so I spent some time to play around with the locking feature. I have noticed the Stage behaves differently between:

    1. Assigning an Effect Button to 1 locked block


    2. Assigning an Effect Button to 2 locked blocks

    Kemper Stage also locks the Effect button with Case#1. Means no matter where I go (at least in performance mode), the block and button is maintained.

    For Case#2 Kemper Stage does not lock the assigned Effect button at all. When I change to a new slot, the effect button assignment is not retained, unlike in Case#1.

    Also, I have noticed that if I assigned a locked block to an effect button the lower right LED is turned ON all the time. Hopefully this is normal. :)