Where did you get your Kemper replaced?

  • Hi there..the topic is not fun unfortunately...

    After having few problems with the Kpa ,support has advised to get it replaced from the dealer.I phoned up the dealer (who is probably an active member of this forum) and was told that I need to deal directly with Kemper and get the unit replaced by them instead.

    Has anybody had to go through the process of having his/her unit replaced?
    And how did that go?

    Thanks ...

  • Hi there..the topic is not fun unfortunately...

    After having few problems with the Kpa ,support has advised to get it replaced from the dealer.I phoned up the dealer (who is probably an active member of this forum) and was told that I need to deal directly with Kemper and get the unit replaced by them instead.

    Has anybody had to go through the process of having his/her unit replaced?
    And how did that go?

    Thanks ...

    That very bad customer service. truly unbelievable :thumbdown: I think you should name and shame that shop so future customers are aware before buying from them

  • Agree with that, the dealer is responsible for the substitution. Hope that Christoph chime in...
    Another member had to get a replacement unit, but with Thomann was not an issue at all....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • The problem is that the dealer doesn't have any KPA in stock at the moment. However I still believe I shouldn't be dealing with Kemper but with the shop who sold the unit to me in the first place. Also stock levels is not a customer problem but the dealer's.Not sure what the law says regarding this.
    I live in the UK and the only reason not to get the Kpa from Thomann was that in case the unit would brake down would be easier to deal with a UK based dealer rather than one located abroad.

    Concerning the name of the shop ...will see how it goes during these days and in case their behaviour is awkward will be more than happy to PM its name to anybody who wants to get informed.


  • In the UK your contract is with the vendor not the manufacturer as covered in the sale of goods act. I would check to see what the laws are in your country, it's a time old problem and will be covered by some legislation already I'm sure. Regardless of the vendors actions you should feel free to warn everybody, and also tell everybody whether you reach a mutually acceptable result.

  • Yes that's what the dealer (in UK) has told to me too.
    However I contacted Kemper support and they've told me they are not able to deal directly with users. Everything needs to go through the dealer.

    My dealer has actually contacted Kemper. There's a clumsy procedure that needs to be followed (i.e. I'm supposed to fill out a form on an external website in order to make the system generate a 'Return Number' which the dealer will use to proceed with the return. Ironically the PHP script on that webpage is buggy too..and won't allow me to send such information ...)

    Regarding the dealer ..they've turned out to be quite helpful and today they're showing they're taking initiative to go and talk to Kemper.
    So I see this problem getting solved pretty soon.Potentially in a month or so will have a new working KPA (which hopefully will work for more than 3 months.. ;) )

  • Regarding the dealer ..they've turned out to be quite helpful and today they're showing they're taking initiative to go and talk to Kemper.
    So I see this problem getting solved pretty soon.Potentially in a month or so will have a new working KPA (which hopefully will work for more than 3 months.. ;) )

    Three months? I would have been asking for my money back if it was only that old....And I also think you should tell who the dealer is

  • Under the sales of goods act in the UK your contract is with the company you purchased if off and not in anyway the manufacturer.

    If the dealer tells you to contact the manufacturer I would never deal with them again.

    Within this timeframe they should replace it with a new unit.

    Get in touch with a solicitor, a single letter would do the job.

  • I had a few problems with mine. Im sure it was software related at the time but my dealers were keen to sort it and offered a replacement just to make sure there was no hardware issue involved.
    In my case it was The Guitar Store in Southampton, UK.
    Cant say enough about those guys, great to deal with.

  • Yep it's annoying when something breaks down especially if you're working on a project that costs you lots of sacrifices (short hours sleep and heavily reduced social life) and especially if you've just bought the unit.But shit happens so no one to blame for it.
    The dealer turned out to be cool -probably they didn't know what Kemper return policy was..
    So I'm sending the KPA tomorrow to the store and will receive from them a brand new one as soon as Kemper dispatches a replacement unit to them. The "funny" thing is that Kemper want me to include the emails I've been having with them regarding my fault?It should be clear to them by now that the DSP board melted after 3 months of life.

    Can you believe the world is such a funny place to be?Someone (Sheguitarplayer) mentioned his dealer had no problem with replacing the unit just for a software issue.I've bought it from exactly the same dealer who also told me they've never delt with a refund before!
    I don't care as long as I get my bloody replacement.

    Cheers now and hope nobody here will have the same sort of issue.


  • I'm glad hearing that.
    I've also sent mine to my dealer (very helpful I should say) and hope to get mine back as soon as possible.

    Surely if it breaks again in 3 months time I will sell it and probably will get an AXE FX2 and see how it goes with that one.