Look at this if you want to know what Pure Cabinet does to your sound.

  • Today I've been making some in house IR's with my own cabs and a couple of borrowed cabs and I noticed that some of these IR's had some high frequency fizz when using them with a few merged profiles that I also did today. So I decided to start experimenting. One thing is that I've never used Pure Cabinet on my Kemper I always turn it off in the output section and make sure that it's off in my rigs as well.

    After dealing with the fizziness awhile, and starting to get agitated, I decided to give Pure Cabinet a try. Well what do you know for me a setting around 3.5 was just great. The fizziness died down to more of what I heard through the live cabs. Well the I got curious and decided to use the looper on my Kemper Stage and record an input loop to play back and capture with and without Pure Cabinet turned on. The graph below shows an EQ match analysis using Ozone. So in case anyone was wondering, it smooths out the fizziness of your sound, effectively cleaning up your tone to be more of what you'd hear not only in the room, but also on lower setting just cleaning up fizziness from your input mic.

    So it sounded better no matter what IR/CAB I used with Pure Cabinet on, and ever IR that I tested today, had the same issues whether they were the IR's I made or some of the commercial ones that I own. They all have a level of fizziness to them that I don't normally equate to hearing in the room. Then I started reading about not only the issues with the mic captures, but also the phase issues when making or mixing IR's.

    Anyway this is the JUNK noise that Pure Cabinet gets rid of. Not musical and not natural at all. I'm leaving it turned on from now on unless there's a reason to turn it off.

    Okay class dismissed,

  • That looks a lot like the frequencies that turn people off the Kemper, very interesting post for sure.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Isn’t that by design; straigten high freq bumbs i.e. remove some cab character, both pleasant and unpleasant. Just guess that algorithm applies a transfer function where output effect is homogenized. That would then be its own sound, footprint if you will.