Anyone with an Axe-Fx II XL+ willing to profile these tones for me (Savatage)?

  • Hey gang,

    Evan did a killer job of nailing most of the Savatage tones using tone matching and his ear and I was wondering if anyone who owns both the Axe-Fx II XL+ and a Kemper would be willing to profile these tones and upload them to the Rig Exchange? The dropbox link with the actual Fractal presets is in the description field of his video showing these things off, here:

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    or directly...

    Dropbox Link to presets:…

    As for the effects... I'm not sure how willing anyone that could do the profiles would be able to translate the Axe-Fx effects to something similar in the Kemper, but that'd be cool, as well. Barring that, maybe you could just create text versions of the signal chain with the settings used and I could do the translation to the Kemper?


    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • I've profiled some of my tone matched presets, and while they usually sound really close, they're not 100% accurate. That said, since tone matching is basically EQ matching, every tone match is based on the frequency response of a specific guitar. Thus, in order for a tone match to translate to your guitar accurately, I'd recommend recording a DI of your guitar and have someone tone match that to the recording, then save and profile the preset. If I had more time, I'd give it a shot.

  • I did port them to my AXE3 and after adjusting the output level and amp input trim they sound huge if not accurate. I'll have to spin some CDs to compare. Haven't listened to Savatage in a bit. Have discovered Avantasia and Edguy though. If you like symphonic metal, check them out. Same singer, but Avantasia is a little like TSO with multiple famous metal singers playing characters. Geof Tate, Michael Kiske, Roy Khan, etc.

  • Yeah, dude.. I've been a fan of Edguy and Tobias' Avantasia for over a decade. Good stuff. If you dig the "bunch of well known prog metal vocalists all singing songs", check out a band callled "Ayreon". It tends to have a prog rock (Hammond organ) vibe on some of it, but most people seem to dig it. If I had to suggest a single cd from them... check out "Star One". It may be listed as a solo effort from Arjen Lucassen. That one has Ralf Scheepers (Gamma Ray, Primal Fear), Bruce Dickinson (Duh), Russell Allen (Symphony X), Floor Jansen, and a host of others singing on it.


    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • Sorry everyone if Jeff and I have our own little convo' goin' on. Not everybody is in to the same type of music as me.

    Jeff, you ever get into ENCHANT. Ted Leonard, great singer, Doug Ott very underrated guitarist. Great songwriting. Journey meets Dream Theater meets Rush.

  • Yep, I'm a virtual Ted Leonard groupie. Love the entire Spock's Beard catalog, Transatlantic, Flower Kings.

    New Ted band, Pattern Seeking Animals w/Spock Beard drummer, bassist and another guy that has played w/SB.

    You must like Hogarth era Marillion, if not all? BRAVE, Afraid of Sunlight?

  • For whatever reason, I never really dug Marillion... nor Spock's Beard. I more prog METAL than prog ROCK, though, so that may have something to do with it. I do own one Marillion cd that I've listened to only a handful of times... "Misplaced Childhood". Not my thang, unfortunately, but I do love Ted Leonard, even if the music he's singing to doesn't always float my boat.

    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • I'm an old prog keyboard wonk. ELP, YES, Genesis, etc. Love storytellers and concept albums. Keep listening, there's always something cool to discover and absorb into your writing!

    Later, me and the missses going to see a band do a benefit for Hurricane Dorian/Bahamas relief.

    Be good or better if you can,
