Stage freezes on MIDI performance / slot change

  • Just sharing my issue and status in a separate thread: I currently control my Kemper stage via a (homebrew) MIDI pedalboard. I send bank select/program change commands to select performance and slot, plus control change commands for wah-wah pedal.

    In this setting, the Stage freezes regularly, showing only a big "Kemper Profiler" in the center of the display and not reacting to any input (direct or MIDI) - I need to turn it off and on again to make it respond. This is independent of whether the Stage is connected to my PC via USB or not.

    I've reported this to Kemper support - apparently they are aware of this issue and the OS team is working on a fix. Hope this comes soon; can't use the Stage in a live scenario like this.

    Just wanted to share this in case anyone else is having the same problems.



  • Hi there,

    obout the MIDI Problems

    I' installed the 7.0.9

    The Kemper Stage is intermittend gowing down, or freeze. Than i have pull of the mein Powercord. What a shit.

    Kemper Stage is in this case not usable Live.

    The support told me, that the MIDI Problems will be solved in 7.0.11 what should coming soon.

    Hope so....Its very importand!!

  • Hi Rudolf. The 7.1 beta version seems to have solved everything MIDI for me at least!

  • Hi,

    It seems I have the same or a similar problem.
    I am controlling the Kemper Stage through midi out of my DAW.

    As midi can be a real bitch, I'm not really sure if the problem is caused by the Kemper software, but still.

    The KS freezes when manipulating the program changes in Cubase.

    For the moment I can't even shutdown and restart it in a normal way, so I had to shut down the power.

    I have the most recent firmware ( installed.

    Any ideas?

  • Hi there,

    still have the same issue with my Kemper.

    Lateste version :

    I'm controlling the program changes from Reaper to my kemper. After few preset changes, the Kemper freezes and then impossible to do anything on it.

    Does this issue have a solution?