Sync Rig Manager Content Between 2 computers

  • I have a Power Rack and an unpowered Toaster. The rack lives in my band's gear truck, the toaster is at home with me (and used for rare fly dates). I've generally used RM on my Desktop Mac to work with my Kempers but recently got a new laptop and would like to be able to use that when I'm on the road to work with the power rack.

    Is there a way to keep Rig Manager content sync'd with RM on both computers? Currently the only way I know is to make whatever changes I make (adding new purchased profiles, transferring settings from my gig rig to my home rig, etc) on one computer, then duplicate those changes on the other computer. I'm hoping to be able to keep everything in sync so that if I take my laptop out with me on the road, it's loaded with the same content as RM on my Desktop.

    Has anyone devised a way to make this possible? I've thought it might be a great idea if I could change RM's default storage location to a cloud-sync'd folder (on iCloud, Dropbox or Google Drive, for example (so that when the content is changed on one computer it'll automatically download to the other. Apparently, though, Rig Manager doesn't include the ability to choose what location to store my content so this won't work.

    Anyone got any ideas, other than doing it manually & trying to not forget to do so?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Maybe try a symlink to your Google drive folder depending on your computer skillz :)…ndows-or-linux/

    Remember a backup though before messing around :)

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Both of my computers are Macs so I had to alter the process just a little but it appears to work! i tried a few options in RM on one computer, then launched RM on the other (and vice versa) and each time it reflected the changes - so problem solved, it appears!

    Now...too bad they don't release a mobile version of RM that I can connect to the online directory - that'd be the best of both worlds LOL!!!!

  • I get Rigmanager to save its backup into a folder on dropbox (on my dektop pc). When I use the laptop in my rack - I let dropbox update for a minute, then load the backup from dropbox. Doesn't take long to do..

    How do you change where Rig Manager saves its content?

    I ended up creating a symlink using terminal to icloud drive (I'm on Macs) works like a charm....

  • How do you change where Rig Manager saves its content?

    I ended up creating a symlink using terminal to icloud drive (I'm on Macs) works like a charm.W..

    When you click 'backup' it gives you a window/dialog where to save the backup file. At least on pc it does. Where the actual content is - i don't know. But the backup files are pretty small and have all of your 'stuff.' Its pretty cool that we can do this - makes having multiple kempers or multiple computers way easier.

  • When you click 'backup' it gives you a window/dialog where to save the backup file. At least on pc it does. Where the actual content is - i don't know. But the backup files are pretty small and have all of your 'stuff.' Its pretty cool that we can do this - makes having multiple kempers or multiple computers way easier.

    Ahhhh, I missed where you said 'Backup'. Yes, that I'm aware of, I errantly thought you meant the main library.