Profiling Boss GT-10

  • There is one distorted sound I want to profile from my old Boss GT-10.

    But the result is very poor. I tried several different levels. With and without cabinet.

    I always get the same unsatisfying results.

    Any hints?



  • Hi Andreas, welcome and have fun in the forum and with your Kemper!

    Regarding your problem a bit more information would be helpful...

    • How did you do the profiling? Cable connections? Set up?
    • Why is the result considered to be poor? Differences of profile vs. GT-10?
    • Did you profile other amps already with better results?
    • Which kind of speakers / cabs are used?
    • ...
  • Hi deadman42,

    I connected the direct out of the Kemper with the Input of the GT-10.

    And I connected the Left/Mono Output of thGT-10 with the Return Input of the Kemper.

    The profiled amp sound does not sound like the original amp sound. It sounds kind of dirty...

    I never tried profiling of a real amp.



  • Okay, sounds good re the approach so far. So next level:

    • I assume that "kind of dirty" means unwanted distortion? Are the levels okay or are you maybe driving the GT-10 too hot for the return input so that it clips? Try to reduce the output of the GT-10 then.
    • Are you giving the Kemper the right setup, i.e. clean/distorted profile, direct vs. studio profile, i.e. with cab. That stuff has to be accurate.
    • When you start profiling which profile was loaded? A similar one or something totally different? Rather try similar one as some parameters like Definition are influenced by this.

    Somebody else here in the forum other thoughts?