Pedal function change

  • I’ll try my best but you’ll probably need to experiment a bit to get exactly what you want. Pages 125 and 126 of the manual will help with some of the terminology too.

    There is a Logical function in the system menu >which should be read as “to”. Therefore Wah (W) > Volume (V) translates as :

    If there is a W effect active in the rig let the pedal assigned to pedal type W control the W effect. If there is no W in the rig OR W is turned off let the pedal control V.

    It is possible for there to be more than one logical condition. So for example if there is a W and Pitch (P) and V then the same pedal will control all three. However, if W and P effects are both active at the same time the pedal will control both but it should not control V and W or P at the same time. In order to function as V both W and P would need to be off.

    Therefore, the effects you have as part of your rig and/or those that are turned on at any moment will dictate the function of the pedal. One pedal is a bit limited though. If you use Volume a lot I would have one pedal dedicated to volume and another for other functions.

    An alternative that is more flexible but more complicated to set up (as each rig needs to be set manually) would be to use the morph function to control any effect including W and P. This would give greater control but would need much more editing.

  • Yes and no.

    You are correct that you can't use Volume Pedal and Morph pedal types on the same physical pedal. However, you can control Volume without a Volume pedal. You can either assign Rig Volume to the Morph pedal which effectively makes it a volume pedal. Or you can insert the Wah Pedal Booster (under Booster fx type) either before or after the stack depending on the effect you want to achieve and control this with the Wah pedal. The Wah Pedal Booster is effectively the exact same thing as the volume pedal for that specific purpose.