Rig transpose trouble

  • I am having issues using the transpose in the rig menu. It seems there is lag on fast passages and strange overtones. I shut off all effects but still it exhibits this behavior. I have checked to make sure there is no direct signal as well. Since there are no settings to change, is this just how it is?

    I have gone back to an EHX Pitch Fork and it works a lot better with no tracking issue.

    Any ideas or suggestions would be welcomed. This is with a passive bass.

  • I have always found Transpose in the Rig menu to be excellent. However, I tried a 1 semitone up transpose a few days ago and had some horrible delays. It was like the effect was cutting out and then catching up again a bit like an audio interface with a glitch (the kind of thing the shutting down and rebooting usually solves). I haven’t tried it again since to check whether it is still doing it but I certainly never had any issues like this prior to OS7. At this stage I don’t know if it is a bug in the OS7 Beta or just a coincidence that I never had it before. I’ll be keeping an eye on it over the next few days though to try and figure it out.

  • Raoul, you don’t need to out it in a slot unless you want the ability to turn is on and off on the fly. You can set the transpose for the whole rig in the rig menu which basically like outing it before Stomp A I think. It isn’t a big issue for me either way as I don’t use a lot of FX at all but for people who find they are always running out of Stomp and FX slots on their rigs the rig menu transpose is a great feature.

  • Raoul, you don’t need to out it in a slot unless you want the ability to turn is on and off on the fly. You can set the transpose for the whole rig in the rig menu which basically like outing it before Stomp A I think. It isn’t a big issue for me either way as I don’t use a lot of FX at all but for people who find they are always running out of Stomp and FX slots on their rigs the rig menu transpose is a great feature.

    Forgot about that improved feature. My live sound has been the same since 6 years so I never moved the transpose from slot A lol

  • I am still on the last full release and not on beta 7. I use the transpose from the rig and not in an effect slot . Though I wonder if I should try slot A as comparison .

    The lag seems worse when playing bass and not as noticeable with guitar. It was so bad that I had at first thought my amp had issues.