How to copy a full effects and morph preset to other rigs.

  • hi all

    I'm trying out new profiles in my live Performance setups.

    I use morphing live. I cant work how to copy the whole effects and morph preset from one profile (e.g. in performance slot 3) across to the new profile (e.g. that I've put in performance slot 4). The effects is easy to copy, but I cant work out the morph bit.

    I'm having to manually dial the morph setting beck in to each new profile that I put in the performance slot. Ideally I'd like to copy the whole thing from one profile to another.

    Can this be done?

  • Hi JK

    Someone may come up with a better solution but this is how I would do this.

    In your example:

    • In performance slot 3 press 'store' and select 'Export Rig To Pool'
    • In performance slot 4 browse for the newly saved rig from slot 3. This has the same name as the original rig but you can find it by looking at the date (I think it's also always the bottom one when sorted by name). You can also sort by date and scroll to the bottom.
    • You should now have two identical Rigs in slots 3 and 4
    • Use 'stack' to change out the amp/cab while leaving your fx and morph settings intact. (or only change the amp or the cab with the respective buttons)

    Housekeeping bonus: You may want to delete the copied Rig in your pool or change its name so you know that this is your default Rig and easily recall it in future performances.

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  • You can copy and paste slots in performance mode too, negating the need to export to pool. You can also lock the Stomp and Effects sections on the slot you want to copy the morphing from, then change to the slot you want to copy to, then store. Remember to unlock after storing. This also only applies to morphing parameters NOT in the Stack section.

  • You can copy and paste slots in performance mode too, negating the need to export to pool. You can also lock the Stomp and Effects sections on the slot you want to copy the morphing from, then change to the slot you want to copy to, then store. Remember to unlock after storing. This also only applies to morphing parameters NOT in the Stack section.

    There’s no copy/paste function on the stage for performances slots.

    If OP is on a toaster or rack this is indeed another way to do it.

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  • There’s no copy/paste function on the stage for performances slots.

    If OP is on a toaster or rack this is indeed another way to do it.

    From the manual :

    COPY and PASTE Buttons (N/A)

    In case you miss the COPY and PASTE buttons that you know from the other PROFILER variants, there is good news: The PROFILER Stage offers a clipboard, too!

    You can copy and paste any module (A-D, Amplifier, Cabinet, X-REV) as well as the entire stack section. When a module is in focus, hold its button again for two seconds to open the copy/paste screen. For the stack section, press both AMPLIFIER and CABINET buttons to enter the stack section and then hold both buttons again for two seconds.

    Following the same principle in Performance Mode, you can also copy and paste complete Slots by holding the RIG button for two seconds.

    Use this copy and paste function to grab a module and copy its data to another similar location. For example, you can copy and paste the settings of one module to another, either within the same Rig, or another Rig entirely. To do this, first open a module, hold its button again for two seconds, then select “Copy” on the screen. Next, select and open a destination module, press its button again, holding it for two seconds, then select “Paste”. Voilà!

    ✓Once you have performed the paste, the most recent contents of the clipboard are still retained until the unit is powered off, so you are free to continue pasting them as many times as you like.

    In general, you can use common sense to determine whether the PROFILER will let you copy settings from one module to another. For example, you cannot copy the reverb settings to the amp module. However, it is possible to copy/paste content between effect modules A, B, C, D, X, MOD, DLY and REV. Go ahead and try whatever you want - you will be alerted if what you're attempting is not possible.

  • From the manual :


    Following the same principle in Performance Mode, you can also copy and paste complete Slots by holding the RIG button for two seconds.


    Thank you for this! I had missed that in the manual and had already posted a feature request. It's great to see that this functionality is meant to be there after all.

    I had tried all kind of button combinations to see if it was hidden somehow and concluded that there simply was no option to COPY/PASTE slots in a performance.

    I've just tried it again but it doesn't work. Holding the RIG button only opens the Rig settings menu and pressing it longer or again does nothing.

    Guess I'll create another ticket. :)

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  • Thanks for the replies.

    Copy and paste is a good idea in performance but i usually put together my Performances using Rig Manager by dragging and dropping different Profiles into slots 1 to 5. Unless i've missed the obvious, when copy and pasting in rig manager, it doesn't carry over the morph settings.

    This would be a good feature for the new editor - to be able to set morph parameters in the editor, as well as effects etc.

  • Thanks for the replies.

    Copy and paste is a good idea in performance but i usually put together my Performances using Rig Manager by dragging and dropping different Profiles into slots 1 to 5. Unless i've missed the obvious, when copy and pasting in rig manager, it doesn't carry over the morph settings.

    This would be a good feature for the new editor - to be able to set morph parameters in the editor, as well as effects etc.

    If you save a Rig with morph settings and drag/copy that to another slot the morph settings should be included.

    I'm not 100% sure via RM because I still use my Toaster to create performances as RM was still quite buggy last time I tried to use it for this. I know it was possible through trial and error to find a workflow that avoids the bugs, but now I've come to prefer the more robust workflow via the hardware.

    But with the Stage that workflow is seriously crippled (missing buttons) so the RM/Editor really needs to come through.

    The good news is that the new editor does have great morphing capabilities. Check it out here:

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