Will Stomp overhaul allow users to profile their own stomps and add them?

  • Hey gang,

    I'm sure this may have been asked and answered several times, but my searching hasn't yielded a definitive answer with regards to this question. If I understand correctly, if I wanted an overdrive pedal that is not already included in the kemper, I would have to profile my own setup with said stomp either by itself to have a DI profile, or in combination with an amp/power amp and cab/mic to create a merged or studio profile, correct? Since the likelihood of me ever having the specific pedal and amp and cab that I want to hear is pretty low (hence my purchase of the Kemper in the first place so that I can take advantage of all the other user's gear and profiles), I was wondering/hoping that the new stomp overhaul would allow profiles of stomps only, and the ability to store those into a stomp slot so that it could be used in conjunction with any amp profile I chose to use. My gut says that perhaps this is outside the scope of what the Kemper can do, but if someone has alternative info, I'd love to know that.


    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • the ability to store those into a stomp slot so that it could be used in conjunction with any amp profile I chose to use. My gut says that perhaps this is outside the scope of what the Kemper can do, but if someone has alternative info, I'd love to know that.

    The real issue is that you cannot store a profile in a stomp slot. A profile can only be loaded into the stack. So if you made a direct amp profile of an overdrive pedal by itself, it could only be loaded into the stack. And as sambrox noted above, you cannot have dual amp profiles.

    You can, however, load a DAP of an overdrive pedal into a Kemper, and then load a DAP, Studio, or Merged profile into a second Kemper, connecting them serially.

    Kemper 1 loaded with overdrive --> Kemper 2 loaded with a profile of an amp

    The arrow would represent the analog or S/PDIF connection between the two Kempers.

  • You can, however, load a DAP of an overdrive pedal into a Kemper, and then load a DAP, Studio, or Merged profile into a second Kemper, connecting them serially.

    Kemper 1 loaded with overdrive --> Kemper 2 loaded with a profile of an amp

    The arrow would represent the analog or S/PDIF connection between the two Kempers.

    we've now found the REAL reason Kemper released the Stage - it’s a device for profiling Drive Pedals to ise in conjunction with a real Kemper ?