Stomp button effect stays on when returning back to preset

  • I had od & eq saved together in upper stomp slot IIII (4).

    I then un-stored them from upper slot IIII and saved them as part of the profile preset itself.


    But when I stomp on another preset and go back, either od or eq will light up again, but not both together.

    It seems that sometimes when it lights up as EQ, I then store it off again ...I stomp another preset, go back again, and its on as OD rather than EQ.

    Thanx for any help.

  • mean slot IIII on the remote? I thought on the KPA itself. Sorry no experience here with the remote but I think you have to store them both in on-status or both in off-status. If one is off and the other one on a press on the button will toggle them vice versa. At least to my imagination...

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Sorry, yes on the remote.

    To clarify, I stored both Green Scream & Graphic EQ from the “stomps” section on the profiler to button IIII on the remote.

    I then chose to store them as part of the profile itself, so I turned them off on the remotes button IIII (upper row effects buttons) and stored them as part of the profile itself (preset 3, lower buttons).

    problem . . .

    Whenever I stomp back on that lower preset button 3, either one of the effects that I previously removed from effects button IIII (Green scream/Graphic EQ) will still turn on.

    I then try and try again to remove them by the usual process...holding the Profiler effect button while stomping on the Remote button where it was stored. I then store it.

    It works until I stomp to another preset and return.

    Edited once, last by xxtwighlight (July 27, 2019 at 6:56 AM).

  • Hm...difficult to answer for me. Maybe it helps if you describe exactly what you‘re trying to achieve. What should the KPA do when you push which button on the remote?

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • The problem is that they won’t un-assign from the Remote.

    I understand that they are always on in the stomps section on the toaster.

    This problem happens occasionally, and from what I remember, it’s always on the Remotes effect button IIII.