Matching Cabs for Amps vs. always same cab for profiling

  • When testing profiles I tend to like the ones with the typical matched amp - cab the most. For example I bought some M Britt profiles and I like the 69 Marshall with the Marshall Cabs and the 65 Vox with its Combo Speaker the most. Most of his profiles are made with his 3P Cabs. His profiles are all very good. Especially when played loud. Most probably it is just what I'm used to and that's why I like those profiles more.

    Is it just me or does anyone have similar experiences?

  • I think Michael Britt’s philosophy is to have sounds that work in the context of a live set, as that is how he started profiling in the first place. It makes sense to have the same cabinet for multiple profiles if you’re going to be mixing and matching them in a particular set list from show to show. You don’t want any jarring tonal changes in the middle of a song, unless that’s what you’re going for. I guess it depends what your application is; for the studio, multiple cabinets and different tones is desirable for layering of different sounds, whereas a more homogenous tonal pallet makes more sense live, at least in my opinion and according to my own experience.

  • I've always kept the cab that a profile comes with.

    With the Kemper so much of the characteristic of the amp is in the cab section that it always felt like switching it out was basically switching out the amp, and the amp section is purely to deliver generic distortion/gain. So when you keep a single cab locked on, to me it felt like all you're doing is having the same amp with different gain/tone stack settings as you switch through profiles.