Volume jump every time I change to a different amp

  • Noob here! I hope you can tolerate my stupid questions. Your patience is greatly appreciated. I just got the KPA yesterday and to be frank I'm having a little trouble understanding certain aspects of it's operation. I also have a Fractal Axe Fx II so I'm running the KPA through the same FRFR set up (QSC K12) that I have been using with my Fractal. I must say, this is a different beast but shows a little promise. However, at this particular point in time, I'm not too sure. Based on the excitement about the KPA on this forum, I'm sure the problems are self induced. Nonetheless, the thing that is bothering me the most at this moment is that when ever I change amps (browse) the volume jumps to half way. Even with the QSC K12's turned as low as possible, it is very loud. What is up with this? It does it every time, very frustrating, especially at night when I'm trying to be quiet. Also, if any of you fine people can give me a few basic tips to get me going on the KPA it would be greatly appreciated. I decided to get both the KPA and Fractal (also have 11R) and see which one sounded the best and which one was easiest to use. Currently, the KPA is giving me fits. It just hasn't "clicked" yet. Even though I've only had it a couple of days I should be able the get the hang of the volume issue. I've scanned the manuals but can not seem to find the answer. If any of you can help out an old rocker that just can't quite get the hang of it I'd appreciate your help. The KPA appears to be a great tool if you can wrap your head around it. I think the bottom line with all these new modelers/profilers is being able to understand the technology and how to use it properly. I'm an old rocker that was use to bass, middle, treble, and when presence and master volume came along I actually thought it could not get any better than this. WOW! Things have changed. Thanks for your time. I appreciate it greatly.


  • I'm not sure what you're talking about regarding the volume "jump" problem you're having.
    It's not jumping, it's just changing between different Profiles/Rigs.
    Keep your Master Volume low at night time when you're trying to play softly. :)

    You need to do a few things to get you up and running.

    First off load the cabs...here's the file.

    Here are Profiles...use the Tills cabs with some of these Profiles, some already make use of the Tills cabs.

    Here are the Profiles of the Axe-FX11 presets.

  • Guitartone,

    Thanks for the response and your time. I will give your suggestions a try. The KPA is very interesting and I can see how if one would be able to grasp the concept, it could be a great tool in your bag. If you have any other helpful hints, they would be greatly appreciated. I'm a 60 year old rocker that plays the local bars and mainly do cover tunes. I have several amps and over my 45 years of playing have tried just about every amp I could afford and/or get my hands on. I got into digital back when Line 6 put out the AX2 and even with all the great equipment I have acquired over the years I still use the AX2 for my club gigs. My high end gear has never been able to replace that old trusty AX2. I'm almost embarrassed to admit it. I am hoping to be able to use some of the high tech equipment I've soaked so much money into some day. I'm just not sure. If I could get just 2 sounds, a nice clean that breaks up a little and a good dirty/singing lead to do some of those good old 70's and 80's cover tunes, I'd be a very happy old man. Well, maybe some day with the help of people like yourself, I may just find what I'm looking for. Thanks for you time and may you have a great Easter.



  • mj

    I'm 52 years old, welcome to the club. :)

    I think you'll find dozens of great tones you can use.

    For your clean just breaking up tones try the Bad Kittie, Bad Cat Profiles you'll see with the "LW" initials.
    Also check out the Matchless Profiles, called the Chief, also with the "LW" initials.

    Dirty singing lead tones, check out the Legacy Profiles, and many of the Mesa Profiles will get you there as well.

    I think you'll be a happy man within 48 hours. :D

  • Guitartone,

    Thanks for the responses. It appears that we enjoy something in common. I also play Tokai Guitars. If I'm correct I have something like a LS98 F or something to that effect. It's the best 59 Les Paul I've ever played. It's a violin finish and has Bare knuckle Emerald pickups. It is amazing. I love Tokai guitars, however, I'm a lefty and they are hard to come by. Oh yeah, I do not change my strings around. I just take a right handed guitar and play it upside down. It pisses my tech off that he has to take a left handed guitar and string it right handed. I've played that way for 45 years. I do not see changing now. You know, it's the old dog thing. Have a great night.



  • Well I'm 61 and still play local clubs in the Detroit area. I'm also atrue Lefty though and no what you mean about guitar availability. I just got my KPA and so far the profiles are alot more dynamic the non my 11RAck. I hope to profile the Egnater IE4 preamp ( I,ve been using for over 15 years) tomorrow. Lets hope all us old timere can make this the amp of our dreams. Paul :D

  • Guitartone,

    Thanks for the responses. It appears that we enjoy something in common. I also play Tokai Guitars. If I'm correct I have something like a LS98 F or something to that effect. It's the best 59 Les Paul I've ever played. It's a violin finish and has Bare knuckle Emerald pickups. It is amazing. I love Tokai guitars, however, I'm a lefty and they are hard to come by. Oh yeah, I do not change my strings around. I just take a right handed guitar and play it upside down. It pisses my tech off that he has to take a left handed guitar and string it right handed. I've played that way for 45 years. I do not see changing now. You know, it's the old dog thing. Have a great night.




    Great news you play a Tokai and love it!
    Yep, LS98F, flametop, violin finish, my favourite model, favourite colour. :)
    Lefties are definitely hard to come by, but I always keep about 5 in stock just in case.

    You play with the strings setup for a righty, like Doyle Bramhall?...that's amazing.

    What country you in?
    Also, activate your Private Messages option.

    Have a great day.

  • Guitartone,

    I live in Pocatello, Idaho in the good old United States of America. I'm not sure I know how to activate the private message option.



  • Use the Master Volume in the upper right for an overall volume setting.
    The volume in the lower half is the volume that is saved with the rig. It is supposed to jump to the saved value, whenever you switch the rig.


  • CK,

    Thanks for the response and your time. I'm a little slow at figuring out some of the features on the KPA. I'm trying to evaluate several of the current modelers and they all work a little differently. However, with the help of the fine people on this forum and yourself, I just might get this figured out. By the way, good work. Thanks.


  • Another thing that might save you sometime is to make use of the search function (can be found at the top of the forum and/or thread page), whenever you have a question about something, Mj.
    Several questions have been answered and explained thoroughly before and you' ll most probably find what you are looking for quicker than waiting someone to respond back you.
    I hope that helps you a little too.